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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Cackling idiot Kamala Harris is pushing Socialism
Socialism fails.

Fox News? Really? Yes, Trump calls Harris a socialist...even a communist. That doesn't make it so. Her policies are very well received by voters. She is in Pennsylvania today on a bus tour. Did you see Trump in Wilkes-Barre call it North Carolina? He can't even keep straight what state he's in.

The Cackling idiot tells a big lie that our economy is the best it's ever been, then she says everything costs too much and we need to fix everything, it's BS for simple minds who don't understand how anything works, Harris is an idiot who will hurt the standard of living of every American as her inane policy drives up inflation and shelves at the store go empty...... if she were elected, big if but frightening none the less.

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The Cackling idiot tells a big lie that our economy is the best it's ever been, then she says everything costs too much and we need to fix everything, it's BS for simple minds who don't understand how anything works, Harris is an idiot who will hurt the standard of living of every American as her inane policy drives up inflation and shelves at the store go empty...... if she were elected, big if but frightening none the less.

Steve Forbes? You should see what Robert Reiche said about Harris' policies. Totally different story.

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You gotta be kidding me! That is nothing but Harris showing her deeply held feelings about certain subjects. Talk about spin! No one would think that she is drunk...except hopeful MAGAs. Couldn't find a good response to professor Robert Reiche, huh?

I remember when they said Nancy Pelosi was drunk. They slowed the video down to do that one.
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I think Kamala's laughing is a defense mechanism of some sort. She also uses it to gain the trust of people. Maybe I'm wrong though
It's beyond a casual laugh, it's something more, maybe pseudobulbar affect or some other mental issue.
Tomorrow is the DNC. Looking forward to that. Democrats always throw a better party than Republicans.
Will you be in attendance paul ? ......And are you bringing anything to share other than your charming luminescent personality ?
