Sorry to disillusion you Electron... but that may have been way back with the
1st Generation PCBs without the Silk Screen and Solder Mask.
We didn't even have a name for the product at that time.
That may have been the case then. And I was under the impression that they
were under-stating power... I may be wrong. :-?
Those were calibrated using a Coherent LaserCheck.
We had purchased a second LaserCheck and low and behold... the two didn't
even read the same.
With the 2nd Generation PCBs we gave our poduct the name LaserBee I.
We also purchased a Newport 1825-C LPM and a brand new Newport 818T-10
Thermopile Head.
We have run extensive tests against the Newport 1825-C LPM and the
LaserBee I.
The LaserBee I tracks the Newport 1825-C (our worst case scenario) to within
+/-2% (that's an error of 4%) across its range .
We've designed into the LaserBee I a simple way for you to calibrate it against
any known good LPM. Its range is from 5mW to 1050mW.
We are now at the 3rd Gereneration LaserrBee I PCBs with some new features.
It is no where as accurate as your $3,700.00 LPM but it doesn't cost as much as
yours either
We continually tweak the LaserBee I to get the best accuracy/performance
BTW I don't want this to sound like a sales pitch... just wanted to clarify...