I'm getting my S together!!! I have a small camera strobe PS
now with two 200 mFd , 330 V photo flash caps in series.
That's 100 mFd @ 660 Volts if my math is still correct!
Driving the PS with 3.8 volts, I quickly get to 550 Volts -
That's about 15 "Jewels" if I didn't mess up a DPoint again.
This should run on a small LiIon cell.
Hwang -- Where do you get all the Q's ??
I got air breakdown using ~ 15 J and a 5" FL glass lens.
I saw it several times but my wife was not impressed.
The Q switch was installed for this.
How many shots for that Q cell??? Ask the Mars rover --
I think it has something similar to this.