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Someone extract 18650s from laptop for me?

Jan 19, 2014
Hi guys, so I have an old laptop that I found while clearing out the attic. It's a hp something something. I can't seem to find the laptop after I took out the battery pack :(
Needless to say its a couple years old. It's one of them standard 6 cell long battery packs.
Now, I was wondering...I'm super scared to extract them because I've been reading up on extraction and knowing me I'll probably get confused and blow everything up:confused:

So, I would like if some one preferably in the uk or EU COULD EXTRACT them for me. Maybe even test them? I'm looking to send them off in a couple weeks.
I would pay postage+packaging both ways of course! and shoot me a price for labour! (But not too expensive because I'm already skint) :yabbem::crackup:

Pm me for offers :)

Jolly good,

It is really not hard you can do it yourself.

Then again, we can't help you if you dont give us pictures. :(

If the batteries are in a straight line (series) it will be very easy to extract
Then again, not too hard if they are configured in other ways.

Keep in mind that extracting 18650 leaves you with ugly looking cells. There will be welds to the contact points and the outer wrapping will get mangled.

Here is some wrap: (to make the extracted cells look nice :) )
$0.84 29mm Heat Shrink Wrap (1-Meter) - perfect for wrapping 18650 batteries at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

And you may want to try to sand out the welded metal. Sometimes you get lucky and you can just peel it off :)

Trust me, if you are 13 years old you can do this yourself as long as you are careful :) promise

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Why does everyone think im 13!! WTF. ILL uploadd pics soon. Its series circuit

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Its been hardly used though. The huge advance in tech rendered it 'old'. Anyone wanna extract it?

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Pictures! $hoot me a price

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You will spend more money on shipping back and forth (and however much you value your time) than what it's worth messing with these, unless your willing to do it yourself. Even if you DIY it your probably not going to be happy with the results. I've pulled batteries before and they have never been as good as the cheapest eBay special I've bought. My suggestion is you take the money you'd spend on shipping them back and forth to someone and just buy some new cheap UltraFire cells which will likely be much better than what you'll pull out of that pack. I've seen them as cheap as $1 a piece on Amazon and eBay at different times and I bet you'll find close to that right now with a quick search. I'm all for DIY and thriftiness but there comes a point of diminishing returns and that's where I think you'll find yourself if you spend money to ship these somewhere for extraction. Just my two cents, the first thoughts that crossed my mind. Good luck with it whatever you decide.
You will spend more money on shipping back and forth (and however much you value your time) than what it's worth messing with these, unless your willing to do it yourself. Even if you DIY it your probably not going to be happy with the results. I've pulled batteries before and they have never been as good as the cheapest eBay special I've bought. My suggestion is you take the money you'd spend on shipping them back and forth to someone and just buy some new cheap UltraFire cells which will likely be much better than what you'll pull out of that pack. I've seen them as cheap as $1 a piece on Amazon and eBay at different times and I bet you'll find close to that right now with a quick search. I'm all for DIY and thriftiness but there comes a point of diminishing returns and that's where I think you'll find yourself if you spend money to ship these somewhere for extraction. Just my two cents, the first thoughts that crossed my mind. Good luck with it whatever you decide.

Thanks! Youre probably right...theyre quite heavy so shipping internationally or local would cost quite abit
Thanks again everyone

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For petes sakes, get a flathead screwdriver and smash it into the seam on the thing, then wiggle it around a bunch. If that doesn't separate it, then get a frickin hacksaw- this isn't something you should need to ship to someone to do..
It's not so much "extracting" the cells, as it is carefully ripping the pack open and detaching the cells from tabs with pliers...

Seriously, just rip it open like crazyspaz said. I could have ripped open a laptop battery and gotten all the cells out without an issue when I was like 12. They're probably not worth using anyways, so just try it yourself.
My suggestion is you take the money you'd spend on shipping them back and forth to someone and just buy some new cheap UltraFire cells which will likely be much better than what you'll pull out of that pack. I've seen them as cheap as $1 a piece on Amazon and eBay at different times and I bet you'll find close to that right now with a quick search.

Those $1 cells are dangerous and it's hard to be sure the cells are actually 18650's, as opposed to something smaller dressed up to look like an 18650. Read about them in this thread. Chinese resourcefulness to be sure, great for their bank statements but terrible for yours when your house burns or explodes. What started out as $1 (or a quid, in your case, I suppose) ends up being just a bit more, just not quite how you'd like. Heh.

Taking apart that laptop battery shouldn't be too difficult, you just have to separate the two halves of the case along the seam. Wearing gloves is a good idea; you do need to apply a fair bit of force to get them apart and it's easy to slip and cut your fingers.

I would start with the "label" which can be basically peeled off. They're typically just glued on. That should let you see what kind of cells you have and at that point it might be easy to just rip open the plastic casing, enlarging whatever opening was hidden under the label. Then you can fully expose the cells. Be careful and avoid shorting any of the conductors; in fact I would advise doing the whole thing outdoors just in case you get a fire or something pops. It's easy to accidentally short the cells, and if you do it the conductors can be glowing red hot in less than a second.

The concern I have with your battery is that it was stored in an attic, and because of that it was likely subjected to some unhealthy temperatures, particularly during the summer. The cells might be OK but they've almost certainly deteriorated at this point so they will probably not be up to capacity. Still worth trying IMHO but I just wouldn't expect the cells' performance to be stellar with that much degradation on them.

Once the cells are out of the battery and separated from each other, you can test them for internal resistance, which should give you a good indication of just what kind of condition things are in. Read about it in this thread.

Good luck, let us know how it turns out.

ETA: Please don't buy any cheap batteries off eBay though, they're complete crap, their performance is substandard and they're just amazingly unsafe.
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Dude tear into it & break the pack down ive done hundreds the most dangerou part is getting the case open & getting cut. But seriously as cheap as they are on amazon i would just buy em
Tear it down! Just be careful. Wear gloves and glasses and do it outside. You'll be happy you did in the end. You seem to know the dangers of these cells so what's stopping you if you're careful and take the right precautions?
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Update: tore open the plastic. Scraped a cell and caused a spark. Knocked my phone over and broke the camera :(
As far as the batteries go...only one of them doesnt work. Rest of them are ok, could do with a charge. Oh yeah, cut my finger on some metal bits :*(

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