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FrozenGate by Avery

Some rare lasers for sale!

Mar 10, 2013
It's been along time since I've posted anything here for sale but I'm in need of money! I have a few extra finds that I'd like to share, and while I know that they're extremely expensive I'm willing to work with people to sell these fairly fast in order to pay for some important stuff, like instrument and car repairs, as well as to bring more cool stuff to LPF. I promise it'll be worth it! I know I've been incredibly quiet lately, as work has been busy, and my sister is getting married in a bunch of other things, so I'm just a mess ATM. I know most people here don't have this kind of money, but thought I'd offer anyway. let's get started!

At the time of writing this I'm doing it on my phone, so pics on request.

Solid State

Melles Griot YCA-10 561nm SLM ~5mW - Sold

Salvage from an old machine and saved it from the trash. I pampered it a bit now it locks at 5 mW. Will actually go a bit higher, but I purposely lowered it in order to help it to survive longer. I'm not 100% sure what went wrong with this laser and I think that's just the diode started to get weak prematurely. It is definitely not an alignment issue. The laser is complete, with all components and is plug n' play. Was originally an OEM head, and I converted it into a desktop one, giving it a mounting plate and shutter.

I also have a for parts head missing only the TECs. Not sure that I'll get rid of it but you can make an offer.

OEM Spectra-Physics Cyan laser 488-20 - $2000
Has a brand new bare driver at 0 hours (plus my testing). Head is at about 2700 hours - which is nothing for these. Locks ~22mW as as far as I know it is also SLM. Truly a beautiful laser, and words don't do it justice. No heatsink however so you'll need to come up with one. Manual is on the SP site. I'll include a power connector with it so you don't have to hunt one down. (It was a pain)

CNI PGL-C 589 50mW - SOLD rebuilt and still works great for its age. Has been passed down through a couple sets of hands. I really like it, but I need the money, and it rarely sees use lately.

Gas Lasers

Uniphase 1145P - 22mW long HeNe tube with lab psu $500 shipped (or $150 just for the laser itself)

Spectra Physics 124B - $500 shipping
Want a Large, double brewster HeNe? Then this is for you. not quite as big as its 127 cousin, but still quite large. I got a few of these a while back that had lost alot of helium, and after soaking them for a while and cleaning and all that jazz I got them working again. This particular one is a bit weak, doing something like 11mW instead of 15, and I think its partly due to a minor loss of neon. Might be slight misalignment or dirty mirrors too. I cleaned them once, but there still splash, so it might be some minor surface degradation. the other came out weak too but barely meets its specs, also has a lot of splash. might be dirty brewsters, but due to being softseal I didn't want to chance getting solvent on the windows seals and breaching the tube, so I'm taking this as normal. even my 127 has some splash. It will come as just the head, no power supply, however I've (somewhat haphazardly) added a newer style alden to the cable since I got it with the cable clipped off, so it will work with a modern supply. or if you find a SP-255 exciter, then it'd be easy to add a female alden to it to make it match. I don't have any more of the coaxial connectors these originally used so I had to do that instead. its not the greatest as I added it just for testing, you can change it as you need. Questions are welcome. These are more of a collector's item than anything, much like the 127, and I have yet to see any other working ones that haven't been re-gassed recently, and those go for over 2 grand a refill! Really cool large side-arm laser that's evolved from the very dawn of HeNes in the 60s and survived all the way into the early 90s! Been a WIP for me for over a year to revive these!

Uniphase multiline argon ion laser 2214-40MLA - $750 shipped

One of the nicest small air cooled ions that I've seen. Still has tons of life left, and very healthy and still does all 6 lines reliably. I realize the cost is high, but youd be hardput to find another like it. Its very well cared for. (And shipping on it isn't cheap, will likely be in several big boxes)

LHR-088 HeNe tubes - $100 + shipping
Brand new, right from the factory! Used in stabilized lasers and a great laser tube for experiments. 10" long and doing nearly 3mW. Quite hot tubes for their size. Very nice!

LIP-171 HeNe tube - Make Offer
Tube is like new, bore is spotless...though the power is barely meeting specs. not entirely sure why. Quite old bare tube from the 80s. It's a bit hard to start when cold, but works fine. Don't think its an alignment issue, just seems to be stubborn from age. Rare, and polarized to boot. Serious gas head collector item right here!

LHR-002 HeNe tube - $30 tiny little tube! Utterly cute and very hot for its size, doing about a mW - over double its rating! Cathode is a little loose but it works just fine.

LOR-006 orange HeNe tube with supply - $550
New old stock 6" very hot orange tube that also states a little bit of red out on and off. ~0.5mW
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Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

Hey kaiser, I may be interested in your 675nm 501B. Also, would you be willing to potentially sell one of your 612s? :)
Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

Not a problem. I have a few of those 675s I made. they're really nice. I'll check em out, and get you details. I haven't gotten around to posting pictures or doing details, as I knew it'd take a while for this thread to pop up.

As for the 612 HeNes, I'll see what I can come up with. I know of a bunch but prices are high on these. I might part with one of my little ones if you ask nicely and make a reasonable offer. probably not less than 500 bucks though. Good full size ones run over a grand or two even on the surplus/hobby markets. I can ask around again too and see if I can find any more laying around.
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Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

Empty 501b host for $30? huh...those are like $5 hosts. Sheesh though. The prices are steep. I suppose that's what they go for though. But if grainde's laser hasn't sold, I wonder who would actually pay $2000 for a 488. For about that I could have myself a 488 diode.
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Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

Empty 501b host for $30? huh...those are like $5 hosts. Sheesh though. The prices are steep. I suppose that's what they go for though. But if grainde's laser hasn't sold, I wonder who would actually pay $2000 for a 488. For about that I could have myself a 488 diode.

Idr what I paid for them originally. I think they were 25$, so I'd take that. They have heatsinks and such already in them just need a diode module.

as for the 488 laser, its a complete slm system, far superior to any diode you can buy. its not for wavelength collectors, its a laser for serious people who want to do holography or something of the like, which I don't think there are many people on here that do that anymore. That's why it's so pricy. :) they're about 10 grand new and actually arguably superior to the Coherent Sapphire, which was its main competitor.

Edit: also, I notate that these are asking prices, you can make an offer, and if it's reasonable, I'll consider it.
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Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

O_o Every time I see prices on 612's I'm stunned how cheap I got mine. :( I'm always torn weather to sell it and cash in or hold on to it for dear life.

Keep an eye out on PL Sta Mines not the first cheap one to pop up there.
Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

O_o Every time I see prices on 612's I'm stunned how cheap I got mine. :( I'm always torn weather to sell it and cash in or hold on to it for dear life.

Keep an eye out on PL Sta Mines not the first cheap one to pop up there.

They definitely come around once in a blue moon. I got another brewster recently for a reasonable price too. You just have to be patient. Though admittedly finding another little 6" one would not be likely though! They definitely are out there however, as I have two and I think sam has/had one at some point. I don't have a 6" yellow, but I do have several of all the other colors.
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Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

Did you end up selling your 675nm?
Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

I haven't heard back from sta yet. I'm actually surprised so many people are asking for these this time around. They're very nice, they're quite stable for their power, and are very easy to maintenance. The driver is connected with a connector making it easy to remove the module with less hassle.

I only have two of these but since I have two spare hosts and I know of someone who has more of these I can make some more if they're popular. They don't really help my situation much $ wise, but I'd be happy to make them if you guys want them.
Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

I haven't heard back from sta yet. I'm actually surprised so many people are asking for these this time around. They're very nice, they're quite stable for their power, and are very easy to maintenance. The driver is connected with a connector making it easy to remove the module with less hassle.

I only have two of these but since I have two spare hosts and I know of someone who has more of these I can make some more if they're popular. They don't really help my situation much $ wise, but I'd be happy to make them if you guys want them.

Kaiser, I fully intend to buy the 675, but I was waiting on your response about buying a 612. :beer:
Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

I do have a small 6" I was keeping as a spare that does also spit a little bit of red on and off. Runs on 4mA. Make offer, I might let go of it if you want it badly enough.
Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

I do have a small 6" I was keeping as a spare that does also spit a little bit of red on and off. Runs on 4mA. Make offer, I might let go of it if you want it badly enough.
Is a PSU included for the 612?
How about both the 675 and the 612 for $550?
Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

Unfortunately no but I do have a supply I could let go of, that should work with it. It was running the green one fine, and it's far more picky than the orange is. I'll try it out and let you know. I think I have some spare solder clips laying around too.

As for the price that's at least reasonable ... but it is a little lower than I'd like. I'll definitely consider it though.
Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

Unfortunately no but I do have a supply I could let go of, that should work with it. It was running the green one fine, and it's far more picky than the orange is. I'll try it out and let you know. I think I have some spare solder clips laying around too.

As for the price that's at least reasonable ... but it is a little lower than I'd like. I'll definitely consider it though.

What kind of price were you considering, Kaiser? :)
Re: Some rare lab lasers for sale!

I'm still going through my stuff. I think I have a uniphase supply that should run it just fine. It looks like the wiring is a little short and messy though so let me see what I can do for ya. We can worry about price once I get it all set up for you.
