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FrozenGate by Avery

**SOLD**: Brand New 470mW IR Filtered Green 532nm Portable

Re: FS: Brand New 470mW+ IR Filter Green - $500 shipped **deal ends 6/1 at noon PST**

JETLASERS is selling (sometimes +150-200mW overspec) lasers nowadays in the same/lower price range. You should some up with some nice pics to push your sale ;)

I couldn't put pictures up! And also, there's a difference between a Group Buy and getting it guaranteed in 3 days from purchase :P

Change of plans was made--I'll be putting up pictures soon!

Re: FS: Brand New 470mW+ IR Filter Green - $480 shipped

Pictures added plus price drop! Note that this battery is almost dead X(
Re: FS: Brand New 470mW+ IR Filter Green - $520 shipped

It seems like it sometimes ;)

So nobody wants it?

I think you might just be asking too much. You can get the same host, using the same module, and hitting 500mW in the DD power certified line for $445:

You may know - I'm a huge fan of that line. That's where my 300mW that ended up hitting 400mW came from. Same host actually. It's an awesome host, awesome laser, I think it might just be an issue of your price being a bit high. Not a LOT high, just a "bit" high ;)

I always get in trouble for saying that kind of stuff, but... oh I don't know - you asked, and I'm just trying to be helpful!
Re: FS: Brand New 470mW+ IR Filter Green - $520 shipped

I think you might just be asking too much. You can get the same host, using the same module, and hitting 500mW in the DD power certified line for $445:

You may know - I'm a huge fan of that line. That's where my 300mW that ended up hitting 400mW came from. Same host actually. It's an awesome host, awesome laser, I think it might just be an issue of your price being a bit high. Not a LOT high, just a "bit" high ;)

I always get in trouble for saying that kind of stuff, but... oh I don't know - you asked, and I'm just trying to be helpful!

Is that with an IR filter?
Re: FS: Brand New 470mW+ IR Filter Green - $440 shipped

Further price drop! If nobody picks it up for this price I'm gona call you all insane.
Re: FS: Brand New 470mW+ IR Filtered Green 532nm Portable - $390 shipped (or offer)

Come on it's an almost 500mW IR Filtered Greenie! Anybody?
Last edited:
Re: FS: Brand New 470mW+ IR Filtered Green 532nm Portable - $380 shipped (or offer)

Still wayyy too high imo. Good luck. For some reason, greenies are dropping in price steadily..
Re: FS: Brand New 470mW+ IR Filtered Green 532nm Portable - $320 shipped (or offer)

Further pretty sizeable price cut.
Re: FS: Brand New 470mW+ IR Filtered Green 532nm Portable - $320 shipped (or offer)

Are you still selling it???
Re: FS: Brand New 470mW+ IR Filtered Green 532nm Portable - $320 shipped (or offer)

Yep! It is still for sale.
Re: FS: Brand New 470mW+ IR Filtered Green 532nm Portable - $275 shipped (or offer)

Fine! You guys win. Price drop to $280 shipped.
