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FrozenGate by Avery

SOLD! 473nm in Ehgemus Host

Re: Price Drop! 473nm in Ehgemus Host

Replied to your PM :beer:

SOLD PENDING PAYMENT!!! This beauty is wrapped up snuggly warm in bubble wrap, styrofoam, a box, tape, more bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and the padded envelope!
Congrats WBS-- can I steal your thread as you are done with it--right?
any who regret missing that 473 is free to buy mine- i need cash only& I need it YESTERDAY.

Ita brand new JETLASERS 473 Pro Pl-E black host after a warm-up it peaks near 100mW super divergence-
BUT it's 'cold hearted'-
needs some time to peak- all these 473s from JL are like this- It has only been used to demo and meter=- total time is less than one hour- still under JL iron clad warranty- $350
with 10X beam expander 400$ SOLD

I replaced the old IR filter on this one myself- a very faint artifact can be barely seen but I barely notice it-- pics will go up in my own thread in a few days-

Its a keeper- but my landlord does not appreciate lasers so.. it may be the easiest of all mine to sell-
... BUT the hardest one to let go...


CONUS buyers only
shipping at actual cost-

update BE is sold- hardly needed on this one- the beam is very small.

Will try to get night shots and revive/rename my old BS&T thread.

I may need to do an -on-line 'yard sale' for my smaller items that would be easy to ship--

I will come back here and place a link-- early shoppers get better deals- once i get the rent and power bill covered I may get stingy..

here's a 'teaser'

matched in brightness- perfect jiump start for somebody with $$ to spend and wants to make that SIG POP!
- ~ peak 1650W combined BUT together they out-shine a 2W R(650)GB -- (why? = 635nm/500mW)
all brand new or NOS-
445 DI..........1100mW......Pl-E silver- Takes two 26650s(or equlivant or single)
635 Cmount...497mW......Pl-C black18650-key lock- dongle- shutter- close to FDA regs....
532 DPSS ....~150mW....Ti-B 100-Titanium-truely unique & best made host EVER-14450 collectors item - no longer being made. ONLY JL built and sold these.

So three JLs three wavelengths all diff models- foam lined plastic case will be used for shipping-
all will have charged batts inside lasers. Free cheap charge or add 15$ fir an i2 nitecore- other surprizes will be sent..
Once listed and not sold in ten days it will be broken down into individual lasers.

$$ TBA--

look monday for my FS thread
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Brucemir your laser has shipped and is guaranteed to be there tomorrow by 3 o'clock. Signature required as you requested. Thanks again, I look forward to the pics!
Hey WBS,
Thanks again for making this happen so quick! There will be some nice pics using it this weekend.
