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Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post count ?

Should we ask Avery to exclude the "Other" section from the post count ?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Deleted member 8382

Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

also the other sections can contain useless posts ..... it's just a way for get managed at least part of the problem

but which is the problem lol. Honestly, why do you think that posts on the other section being counted is a problem? give me a single example!

Nov 22, 2008
Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

^^here, your one example for ya. I think I have read a few examples in this thread, sorry if they aren't good enough for you.

Originally Posted by Mohrenberg
People should not use the post count to evaluate someone's credibility. I don't think it need to be changed, as the post count is just a representation of the person social activity on the forum....even if it's in the "other" section.

I agree that in most cases they shouldn't, but they do.



May 26, 2009
Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

I'm not saying that for me is a problem, i said just that i've seen other users complain about that, and made some examples.

This poll is not for try to convince all that one side is better than another, is just for give to the ones that care about it, a possibility to vote and let Avery know it and why.

Just cause, as any community, all the peoples have different opinions, and without a place for discuss about them, other peoples don't know them.

Hell, it's difficult to expose abstract concepts, knowing a language so bad .....

Deleted member 8382

Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

a place for discuss about them

is that the place to do it? xD we are just doing that, discusing? (isn't it wonderful?)

@coldstl: so what's the example here? that some people judge others credibility by their post count? what can this lead to? will anyone buy from someone because of the 100 extra posts he have in the offtopic section? And even if you say yes, do you think filtering the post count will save anyone from being scamed?

Common sense please...
Nov 22, 2008
Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

Common sense isn't common.
Sep 20, 2008
Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

It seems so simple to me.... we seem to forget that this is a
LASER Related Forum and it should be counted and judged
on that main subject alone...

If I wanted to talk and contribute about Farm Tractors or the
latest Video Games... I would join those type of Forums and get
credited for my contributions there...

I can't see the logic in accumulating Post counts for Non Laser
Related Threads/Posts...

I agree... even in the Laser related sections there are some non Laser
related posts..

But in the "Other" section threads... there are none related to Lasers...
(Hence "OTHER" than Lasers)

In case anybody missed it.... This is a LASER Related Forum...:cool:

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Jan 30, 2009
Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

Since nobody wanted to debate my points I vote no. Mainly for my reason #3:

People are always going to spam "wow", "cool", "that was so funny" and such comments, some of them to get their post count up. Is it not best that they do it in the off topic section so they don't start spamming the more important laser discussions?
Sep 20, 2008
Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

Just because a member may be impressed and states Wow... Cool...
That was so funny or similar comments
doesn't necessarily mean
that a member is spamming and aiming for post counts...

I have posted similar remarks when I was impressed by a member's
work or humor... not because I was looking to increase my Post count..

This Forum is not a DATA mill... it is a public Laser Related Forum and some
of the members do have a great sense of humor...

It is a good thing when members are recognized for their Laser Builds/Projects
even if it is only with a Wow that is cool....IMO

Apr 28, 2008
Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

^ Wow that is cool

Uh, I mean, couldn't agree with you more lasersbee :)

Deleted member 8382

Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

I would join those type of Forums and get
for my contributions there

Again, here's your problem. You consider post count as credit...


May 26, 2009
Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

is that the place to do it? xD we are just doing that, discusing? (isn't it wonderful?)

Ofcourse yes ..... or do you think we have the possiility to do it ourself ? ;) ..... All that what we can do (and this is normal, cause we're not the admins) is discuss about it ..... then, the admin make the final decision ..... so, what other can do, except discussing ? (or maybe i've misunderstood that what you mean ? ..... if so, sorry, remember that English is not my main language :can:)

Since nobody wanted to debate my points I vote no. Mainly for my reason #3:

Well, who of us have never made some comments like these ones, here and there ? ..... it's just human, anyone time by time feel the need to do it, or to post jokes replies, and i see nothing bad in this .....

The obvious difference is from when you occasionally post a "wow, it's cool" or joke comment for something that have impressed you (also in serious threads, don't care), and instead when, in a day, you post 70 or 80 "WOW" , "cool", "funny" comments, on any post that you reach to open, regardless the argument and the content ..... at least, for me, it make a difference ;)
Oct 24, 2009
Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

People should not use the post count to evaluate someone's credibility. I don't think it need to be changed, as the post count is just a representation of the person social activity on the forum....even if it's in the "other" section.

This is the point I was going to make, I will use 2 examples as to why post count means NOTHING.

On my pet forum, 2 users, one is a 15 year old school girl, she is a real social butterfly, replies to nearly every post made. She has a post count that is way up there.

However, she is not an expert at anything, except posting and even then her spelling and grammar suck.

Another member hardly posts at all, he basically logs on in short bursts... sometimes many weeks apart.... HOWEVER he is a genetics expert, a respected breeder and has a 20+ year history in his line of work, has even wrote for magazines...

So should I take my advice from the school kid with the high post count, or the "Jedi master" with the low post count??

Post count means squat, except that one person has too much free time, and the other is very busy being a professional.


Jan 30, 2009
Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

I agree to a large extent Jerry, Murudai and HIMNL9
What I really meant was.. some people are clearly ONLY writing those type of posts, but they are mainly doing it in the Other and Geek section, because they know that they won't really get flamed for doing it there - if they suddenly can't get a high post count by spamming the Off-Topic sections, I am pretty sure they are going to move into the laser discussion sections, and suddenly every thread will be full of worthless "wow" and "cool" posts. Wouldn't you get a bit frustrated if you received an update warning every day for a thread in which you sold something, every time clicking on the link and finding a "Lol dats awsum" comment and not a serious buyer?

I really don't care about people's post counts, but I do care about a large amount of spam in interesting threads.


Deleted member 8382

Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

I agree to a large extent Jerry, Murudai and HIMNL9
What I really meant was.. some people are clearly ONLY writing those type of posts, but they are mainly doing it in the Other and Geek section, because they know that they won't really get flamed for doing it there - if they suddenly can't get a high post count by spamming the Off-Topic sections, I am pretty sure they are going to move into the laser discussion sections, and suddenly every thread will be full of worthless "wow" and "cool" posts. Wouldn't you get a bit frustrated if you received an update warning every day for a thread in which you sold something, every time clicking on the link and finding a "Lol dats awsum" comment and not a serious buyer?

I really don't care about people's post counts, but I do care about a large amount of spam in interesting threads.

I didn't thought of that, now I'm totally against this.
Sep 20, 2008
Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

I agree to a large extent Jerry, Murudai and HIMNL9
What I really meant was.. some people are clearly ONLY writing those type of posts, but they are mainly doing it in the Other and Geek section, because they know that they won't really get flamed for doing it there - if they suddenly can't get a high post count by spamming the Off-Topic sections, I am pretty sure they are going to move into the laser discussion sections, and suddenly every thread will be full of worthless "wow" and "cool" posts. Wouldn't you get a bit frustrated if you received an update warning every day for a thread in which you sold something, every time clicking on the link and finding a "Lol dats awsum" comment and not a serious buyer?

I really don't care about people's post counts, but I do care about a large amount of spam in interesting threads.


Exactly..... If they repeatedly tried that in the Laser related sections....
they would get Flamed and/or Neg Repped by the contributing members
for that behavior...

Therefore... if doing it in the OTHER section it will not increase their
post count... and doing it in the Laser sections will get them negative
What better way to curb members to stop posting repetitive Post Count
Spam... The common reward/punishment system works quite well in
adjusting behavior.... IMO...:cool:

Last edited:
Jun 12, 2008
Re: Should we ask Avery to exclude the posts in the "Other" section from the post cou

Yes, exactly what laserbee said.

I would also like to point out that this forum had functioned for years while excluding off-topic posts and I am sure many of the members remember that we did not have any more problems with excessive "spam"/post-count posting than we do today. I would venture and say it was in even better in that regard.
