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Should smurftacular be temp banned?

Should smurftacular be banned?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

How typical LPF. If you like the image of lasers to change you need to stand up when someone abuses it infront of you! Why are you so afraid of banns anyway? It is very common in other forums to ban whenever it fits.

Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

:thinking: hmmm Weegsta voted no. Wonder if that's his friend with the laser LMAO.
Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

I think any member that can accumulate more than 50 Negative
Reputation Points
shoulds have a Ban Poll opened on him...

The neg reps speak for themselves...

When I was a kid and did something stupid or wrong... I got smacked
upside the head by my father...
It didn't take long for me to make a choice correction..

In the recent Past... every member that had more than 50 neg reps
eventually got banned...
I think it's a pretty good indicator of someone's willingness to make
changes in their behavior..

BTW.. he hasn't been logged on since Nov 30....
Maybe the Cops came back for another visit...:eg:

Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

For me is not the only reason, just the last. He swears, and acts like a 12 year old. Hopefully he'll see this poll and wake up.

Tyler (as much as I hate his guts) contributed a service. He was a nice guy till things started coming out about how he really was. Smurf is an immature kid who needs to learn a lot about forum educate. I dont think he should be permabanned, but a 2 week vacation might wake him up some. It woked for me LOL.

He needs a 2 week vacation from the forum. haha I saw this on another forum :P
Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

How typical LPF. If you like the image of lasers to change you need to stand up when someone abuses it infront of you! Why are you so afraid of banns anyway? It is very common in other forums to ban whenever it fits.

No one's afraid of bans. I think the response to the thread in question says how the members of LPF feel well enough. As far as myself personally, I feel that banning someone for one untactful occurrence is a bit much. Everyone screws up once in awhile. I would support a temporary ban, but i don't think that a permaban matches the crime of being untactful.

I don't think the story is even true, myself. It's more likely that he was trying to get a rise out of us (successfully, I might add..) and have an excuse to make a little animation about it.

If you have a problem with LPF and it's members in general or the way we all operate, why are you here? I notice you stepped right up to help us when we had a proven thief in our midst.

@Jerry: Those neg reps are all for the same post. I think perhaps it would be wiser to ban people for repeated occurrences in different posts rather than neg rep accumulated for one post.
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Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

You and I clearly don't agree with each other. I don't feel like discussing it. I think expressing what my thoughts are is a good thing and you shouldn't question why I do.
Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

It's an issue when you take issue with the forum as a whole... "typical LPF" ring a bell? If you hadn't said that I wouldn't have said a thing since everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you make it sound like we're not stepping up to the plate here.. You don't have any license to say that IMO.
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Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

Does letting members like Wes have a dozen second chances ring a bell? I said I don't feel like discussing this further, I feel like I'm getting too snappy.
Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

@Jerry: Those neg reps are all for the same post. I think perhaps it would be wiser to ban people for repeated occurrences in different posts rather than neg rep accumulated for one post.

Yeah... I could see that... some members like to jump onto
the band wagon... and it could skew the Neg Rep result if
about the same Thread... unless the OP cames back to defend
his position like Tyler did... then extra Neg Reps are warranted
on the same Thread..

But if "Smuf" would have pulled his Video or apologized for doing it...
he would not have received as many Neg Reps for the same Thread..
He has also receive Neg Reps from 2 other Threads...

The trend is there.... :whistle:
A time out is not out of the question... IMO..:cool:

What cheeses me off is the fact that he did something stupid
(he's still an accomplice).. then he brags about it on LPF where
we all know it is stupid... and illegal....:tsk:
If that happened to me I would be ashamed to mention it... especially
here on the Forum...
He doesn't seem to care or he is Trolling....

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Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

Well, Tech_Junkie does hit at a good point by starting this thread. Should blatant felonies = ban? For the sake of the community here, I would imagine that would be a good thing. Allowing people to brag via animated GIFs about their crimes doesn't make anyone here look good and does not help the community in any way. Instead, it makes everyone in this forum a target.

For comparison, I believe at CPF, even showing a beam shot outdoors is grounds for a ban. That might be a little extreme, but I see the point.

So what is more important - the reputation of the community or the offender's feelings?

Just my 2 cents and I know not everyone agrees with me.

Those are very good points. My own concerns lie not with the offender's feelings, but rather with whether the punishment fits the crime. The offender hasn't posted a single thing since that unfortunate thread. I think we've already made our point quite vocally, thus preserving the reputation of the forum.

I'm never a fan of instant bans for given offenses. There are quite often two sides to a story, and those kinds of rules can favor the wrong side occasionally with no allowance for misunderstandings (not that this is the case here).

I do support the idea of a temporary ban, but my vote in this thread was cast believing we were discussing a permanent ban.
Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

It is irrelevant if he caused an accident or not.. or if he perpetrated
a crime... that is up to the authorities...

This Poll is not to Punish him for a "Crime" but for perhaps bringing
this negative behavior to the Forum and bragging that he got away
with it...
That brings negative reputation to the Forum if we condone this
type of Forum behavior...
That is what the Poll is about... IMO

Correct me if I'm wrong...

BTW... I agree with a Time Out but not a Perma-Ban...
How else can he learn Forum etiquette....

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Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

He joined 18 months ago. Only has 85 posts, and has -69 rep points. Yeah, he is a valued forum member LMAO. In these 85 posts he has acted like a child, dramatized his felonious activities, and pissed off a pile of people. I dig the whole debate and everyone's points, but give me a break. These debates are the reason Tyler lasted so long, and ripped off a pile of people. I hate to say it, but yes, it was the lack of action that was the cause of many members getting ripped off. I had Tyler's act pegged long ago, even got banned because of it. It took months for others to catch on, and by then it generated so much drama it was a joke. So dont be mad at Tyler, be mad at yourselves for letting him continue to rape the membership, because there had to be 50 debates before people did anything. Same principle here. Why would you help an obvious immature kid build high power lasers? Why would you want to help a kid who obviously doesnt care about laser safety? NO one touches my lasers, and my friends are adults. If one shined one at a helicopter they would be in the hospital. We are not talking about an established member. Its a kid who cares less about laser safety. I cant believe the is even being debated. Let him stay, and when he hurts someone, or gets arrested, dont cry, because once again it will be our fault for not acting.

I'm done.
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Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

Did I miss something.... is the Poll over....
Aww... don't run away crying.... I'm sorry...:na:

:crackup::crackup: I couldn't help it....ROFLMAO....:crackup:

On a more serious note....

Hey T_J.... if you edit your 1st post to say Temporary Ban...
I'll vote.. I haven't voted b/c I not think he should be let OFF
like the "cops" did... and the Perma-Ban seems drastic.... IMO

But I really don't think he can learn anything but try to sneak
back in if he is Perma-Banned...

I'll always give a guy one (1) chance (not 3)... then the Axe drops..

As I read the Poll it seems you're looking for a Perma-Ban... and "I"
haven't given him my one (1) chance yet...:cool:

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Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

voted yes for a 1-2 week vacation. not permanent though.
Re: Should smurftacular be banned?

Ok i'll change it.

I'm on a board of a nonprofit org and its the same thing lol. Gotta debate for months before an action is taken. I call it the "Too many Chiefs, not enough Indians" syndrome LOL. Guess its everywhere.
