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Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance?

Jan 8, 2008
Nova x-45.
A. Recipe for disaster most likely resulting in expulsion and a news headline something along the lines of, "Disturbed boy brings futuristic terrorist weapon to high school dance".

B. Hell yeah! RAVE TIME! *makes rave-like bass-snare beat sound)*

Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

1. There's an X-45?
2. Are you going with anyone?
2A. (If 2 is yes) Do they like lasers/care about your social standing?
3. How will an X-45 be a rave, would you just be shining it up in the sky?
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

I brought my DL95 to a rave one time ;D everyone loved it, we limboed with it, hopped over the beam, messed with some other people, it was fun :D I just really careful not to point it at anyones eyes though. Since I have had lasers I have only hit one person in the eye, but it was a 5mW red reflected off an antique mirror, that person was an 11 year old me ;) that was so long ago though ;D
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

People are probably going like Wow What's that, that's so cool, can I try it?? *shine everywhere and in people's eyes*
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

Zom-B said:
People are probably going like Wow What's that, that's so cool, can I try it?? *shine everywhere and in people's eyes*


you would not believe how stupid people can be with high powered lasers even if you've just got done telling them it's very dangerous
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

Especially when they are drunk... and you are drunk enough to give it to them (speaking from experience)
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

I barely ever let anyone touch my lasers. The people there do indeed care about my social standing. It's indoors also
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

Sorry but my G A Y Dar is beginning to go off. Laser to Homecoming...dude really? You should be thinking about what brand of condom and where you are going to get beer :)
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

WackBag said:
Sorry but my G A Y Dar is beginning to go off.  Laser to Homecoming...dude really?  You should be thinking about what brand of condom and where you are going to get beer :)

Man I already got that stuff worked out. I'm working out the smaller details now ;)
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

I wouldn't bring it to the actual dance if I were you. Maybe keep it in your car or something so you can show people it before the after parties and such, and put it away before you get wasted/stoned, you can do stupid things under the influence. ;D
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

It is not to joke about with stupid people.I had 2 persons that I handed them the laser after specifically saying with a higher tone "Whatever you do , don't point it at ANYONE's eyes!!!" , the first thing they did BAM point it towards my eyes. :-/ And some other guy I gave him the laser at a party, first thing he did was point it in some other guy's eye.They just don't have any idea. :P I mean, I'm saying "Instant permanent irreversible damage!!" and yet they do this. :-/
One girl was like "but you pointed it in my eyes too!" which might have been a specular reflection that she caught with the edge of her eyesight and thought that was a direct and intentional hit, and despite I said "If I would've hit you directly , you'd be having blindspots now." she still tried to shine it in my eye as a childish revenge.She's 19 btw, so age is not really proportional to common sense.

Another thing you should worry about are the laws regarding a highpowered laser in a public place. :P
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

ahh just slap a 5mw sticker on the thing and take a mini Spirograph laser show with you and you should be fine : ) lol my school wants me to use mine at the dance : )
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

lol I actually considered bringing it to homecoming, but I didn't. I probably would barely use it, and the fact that we cant go outside, that kinda sucks..

I did bring my 30mW romisen to Prom last year lol. while I was inside I never used it except ONCE just to show someone. Before the dance, it sounds like a good idea to bring it, but during the dance you release you can never use it, so there's really no point in bringing it... unfortunatly..
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

I say take it with you, pull down your pants in the middle of the dance floor, slap your self in the forehead and shine it in your eye... Now that'll be a party...
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

i say bring it but use it before and after...
Re: Should I bring my laser to my homecoming dance

VW said:
I say take it with you, pull down your pants in the middle of the dance floor, slap your self in the forehead and shine it in your eye... Now that'll be a party...
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