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FrozenGate by Avery

Shipping Laser to US! Any tips?


Feb 5, 2011
I just sold a laser and have to ship to to USA.
Except from seperating in two packages, any other tips in order not to get seized by customs? :tinfoil:


Don't mention LASER in the description. Use some vague optical device or so. :)
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I was curious about that too.

@ Blord do you partly dismantle the laser in the packet, so it cant be turned on easily and do you include batteries? :beer:
Lately I don't shipped batteries included. My builds are always complete.
I believe you need to mark the package with the diode & driver 'LED diode/lighting'. The other package can be labled 'flashlight parts' which technically it is :p I got a laser into AU using this method without any problems so I can't imagine it being too different in the US :beer:
I believe you need to mark the package with the diode & driver 'LED diode/lighting'. The other package can be labled 'flashlight parts' which technically it is :p I got a laser into AU using this method without any problems so I can't imagine it being too different in the US :beer:

Thanks a lot for your help Dan! :beer:
+1 (Owed u) :beer:

You're welcome man, anytime! Thanks for the rep :D

Also make sure when you ship this to take it apart as much as possible (tailcap off, lens not installed, batteries not in host) so if customs does inspect it they would have to assemble it, something they're not interested in doing. I believe your chances are much better this way instead of having them possibly open it and just press a button to see what it is.

One last thing I did too when I shipped internationally with strict import laws was sending it in 2 packages like you mentioned possibly doing. I sent out 1 package with the driver & diode - then sent the 2nd package the following day with just the flashlight parts. This way both packages didn't hit customs at the same time which could possibly raise some curiousity on their end.

Good luck with shipping, this process worked perfectly for me when shipping through AU customs :D
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You're welcome man, anytime! Thanks for the rep :D

Also make sure when you ship this to take it apart as much as possible (tailcap off, lens not installed, batteries not in host) so if customs does inspect it they would have to assemble it, something they're not interested in doing. I believe your chances are much better this way instead of having them possibly open it and just press a button to see what it is.

One last thing I did too when I shipped internationally with strict import laws was sending it in 2 packages like you mentioned possibly doing. I sent out 1 package with the driver & diode - then sent the 2nd package the following day with just the flashlight parts. This way both packages didn't hit customs at the same time which could possibly raise some curiousity on their end.

Good luck with shipping, this process worked perfectly for me when shipping through AU customs :D

Dude, you are reading my thoughts... :can:

The FDA just published an import alert on Oct. 22 making sure people are well aware of the fact that they have the right to detain any shipment without physical examination of the laser pointers. This means if you use the word "LASER" on the customs form it will almost certainly be seized. I do not know if it is more or less likely if you send it through a courier that works with USPS (EMS); however, I can almost guarantee that if you use any express service like FedEx, TNT, UPS, or DHL your package will be detained.

Source: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/cms_ia/importalert_254.html
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