You mean the B&D right

The stability of the 532nm is actually all over the place like most. Sometimes I get lucky and get some that don't jump around so much and other times they are kind of a big pain. Also have issues with some of the smaller builds getting good conductivity. The switches are the weakest point. When I build a pen looking one like the top 1st and 3rd ones they really kind of stink for trying to make sure all the "juice" gets to the module and unfortunately sometimes I have to keep messing with them. I've had 2 of the Black and Decker units switches not function well as sometimes they would turn on by themselves when you shook the unit or tapped it
Those 2 camo Streamlight pens are built different inside than the regular ones and I had to come up with a solution to bet the - to the module as there is something the way they put them together where there's a nonconductive insulator between the top section and the bottom and they don't come apart. They come as a green led and not a regular light.
A bunch of these units came from different auto parts places. You never know what store is going to have a different type of flashlight. Some were really cheap as they were marked for clearance.
Here's a couple of shots between the LB and Pman specials for fun.
Both have about the same output but the beams are different.
Not showing the hosts on purpose

Lazerbeak will be receiving one of the "Pman specials" once I get the other hosts in following the 2 I have coming now. Will say that it only costs <$10 for both hosts together. Finding out that they fit together made me do the happy dance.... well, not actually......
I'm not sure why yet but there's a significant difference between my laserbtb (SKY) HL515 41mw and these units. My guess is that the 515 is actually lower or the 520 is pushing up in nm due to driving it a bit hard to get over 100mw. Don't think the power difference is making up for the color. What I am saying is I can easily see a difference between the 515 and 520. The 515 looks significantly darker.
Anyways, I am hoping to have the parts I need to do 2 more of the "Pman specials" before I post them plus I want to takes some pics showing how I built them this time.
I also have a camo 2 AA minimag that I'm going to build that looks like it is going to have to have a momentary push button on the side rather than a tail clicky unless I figure out how to get a tail switch in there (would rather have a tail switch than a momentary switch). I have a couple of these to try that I've had for a long time. Maybe it will work.