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ShamWOW review.

Hate to bring up an old post..
Did you ever get it?
I've seen that commercial a billion times and I want to know if it actually works ::)

Kenom said:
Yuck. Beer is disgusting. there are some of us who have too many bitter tastebuds and just cannot enjoy bitter things at all. I can't drink coffee either. Yech!

I've always wondered why I hate beer and coffee so much, when everyone else loves them. That's probably it.

Wait, so if I have sweet tastebuds then that explains why I like robust beer and (super) sweetened coffee? I actually love beer, and I enjoy a nice cup of super sweetened coffee, but I also love chocolate, and other sweets in general. [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=birthdays.gif]

Anyway, what's up with this review? I just laugh at those commercials because it's clear that it's a little enhanced... ;D I would be absolutely amazed if Kenom soaks up all his droll with a single pat with the ShamWOW.....
yea i agree on the beer i dont really drink it cause it jacks me up bigtime
i love the taste especially Guiness extra stout but coffee is a must or a rockstar ;D ;D
as if i dont see this commercial enough..you had to bring it to the forum.
I've seen the commercial repeat itself literally 3 times one after another. Then during the commercials on the show's next break, it showed it 2 more times, but this time not after each other.
when you watch enough of those lame magic shows, you learn to spot camera tricks.
I have a feeling the carpet he used was some super synthetic that repels water, and the coke probably wasn't coke.

LOL ok I've got the product. Took a long time considering I paid extra for the expidited shipping. I also purchased the additional mop, and since there's nothing but metal tube at the top the first time I used it, I cut my hand open. Stupid thing. I'll get right on the review. My initial reaction to this is no promising.
these are actually quite amazing I use them if I spill a liquid it cleans it right up but I mostly use it for when I wash my car use it to dry it off no streaks!
I have ZORBEEZ. They suck balls. I'll leave at that.

Oh, and if you don't like beer Kenom, give Smirnoff Ice a try. No, I'm not 15 *shifty eyes*
for cleaning carpet stains my dad has this vacuum/shampoo cleaner. it squirts soapy water, and it sucks the water up. There hasn't been a single thing it hasn't been able to clean. The ShamWOW is no better than paper towels, because you can only use it while the stain is still wet.
Oh hey it's the Scamwow! Pay $20 + shipping and return for the same thing at Walmart for a few bucks.
