WOW ! How many forum members get to have a whole thread dedicated to flaming them ? I am sooo flattered, Terminatorz - but I don't swing your way
See - I came on the forum in Early December under the name of Riddle for a few posts - I was leaving the forum due to personal differences, and decided to go out with a bang - REALLY chew out a few people I felt like hammering, but I was too polite, and reserved to do so. PLUS - I had started a business...didn't want to hurt sales, you know ? So, the story goes - I flamed LOTS of people - told lotsa folks to STFU - and generally pissed in everyone's Wheaties to prove my own point. I proved it alright - and Avery and I had a HUGE falling out {That was MY fault} and I got both accounts banned. I spent a few months off of the forums period - rarely logging in, NEVER did I attempt to login via Proxy (per some rumors) nor did I ever "hack" the forum, etc....I had already done my damage, and was "happy". Well - during all this time, Avery was STILL emailing me - regardless of how many times I told him to F UCK OFF, etc - and generally pissing me off around every corner ! Then - I forget who it was....but SOMEONE told me to really READ his emails...and I did. He was confused about WHY I did it - why I would incite a general riot, and then disappear like I did. I had no answer for him ! In the end - it was a misunderstanding between me and Avery - and I let EVERYTHING out on a bunch of folks - MOST deserved it, regardless of how it was delivered, but some did not - and I am truly sorry for those that got swamped by my wrath - but ONLY those of you that did not deserve it...and only YOU AND ME know who you are.
The point is, I made a mistake - was it because of my back ? was a conscious decision to do evil, and I gladly did it - and vented my frustration out at anyone who would listen. I vented out on EVERYONE because of a few bad apples out there - those that "ruined" the forum for me. Well, some of you bad apples are still out there - posting happily away....Enjoy it while you can, because I will not lash out at the general population any more - I posted that a certain member was threatening my family, and me personally, and they are still allowed to post on here - so it truly is a free forum - where anyone can say or do anything. There are no rules that have to be followed - because people do not follow them anyways. There is no respect for fellow forum members any longer, because none is given in advance. In short - there are still enough of you bad apples, or immature little shits that are still ruining this forum, and not just for me - for everyone. If I jump down your throat - it is because in my little part of the universe, you deserve it. I NEVER argue if I am wrong - I am much too smart to fight a losing battle like that. Sorry to disappoint any of you. But, I ramble on (as usual)....In summary - post what you want, I truly am not bothered about it - hide behind a fake name, or PM behind my back to doesn't matter. I am who I am, and I will not change. Not for you, not for anyone. I am here because I love this hobby - I have knowledge I like to share, and experiences to spread around. Don't worry about me posting about scammers any more - nobody cares, so neither do I. From time to time - I will post reviews, sell some stuff, or make comments about other things - read them if you like....or skip over them - it is your choice ! I do not monitor the "other" section...someone ( a friend ... something some of you do not know about...hit to look up that foreign term) called me and told me to check it out, so I read, laughed, laughed some more, then posted this novel. Don't worry about retaliatory drama points - those things are just like assholes....everyone has them...and some are much larger than others....there is hope for some of you - keep on lasering, and having lots of fun - keep the drama going long enough to make a total ass out of yourselves, too...I like that. Its like caramel sauce on my ice-cream.