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Selling my Krypton and LPM

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Well the deal is off...

He didn't know that l'm from the Netherlands :tired:, so he said i have to ''probably'' wait untill saturday for shipping etc... etc..3 pm's in a row.

I just pm'd him back that it's best that he sells it to someone in the US, sinds he never shipped outside the US before, and things are just being stalled.

smeerworst in pm said:
Hi Justsodopey,

You know what, i think it's better that you sell it to someone else, inside the usa.

I don't feel really comfortable sending you $800 the way things are going... never had this many problems before with anyone on the forums when it comes to buying or selling.

Hope you understand, and i think it's best. (for me and you)

For another $199 i can buy the same thing, but new direct from wl if i would.
This just doesn't seem like a good deal to me anymore with all the possible problems, and things that happend.

Like i said, this way of behavior and treatment never happend to me before. And now your asking me to wait till saturday ''probably''. :tired:

Just sell it to someone else.

Cheers, sm...
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It is easy to ship something from the USA to anywhere in the
Something does seem to smell fishy with all the problems
and issues in this Sales Thread.....:undecided:


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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It is easy to ship something from the USA to anywhere in the
Something does seem to smell fishy with all the problems
and issues in this Sales Thread.....:undecided:


I think the only problem here is age and knowledge...
I don't want to send my money to someone that is insecure in his actions.

I like fast and professional dealing.
Aldo i am a patience man...

Cheers, sm
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As long as you pay by PayPal you will at least have
some protection....


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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As long as you pay by PayPal you will at least have
some protection....

Yeah that's right, but i never had to use that option before and want to keep it that way :)

i'm just done with the deal.
Spend hours lurking around in this thread...
WL even ships faster...... (/me runs and hide) just kidding.

If the seller just gave me a sign of something so that i can understand why it's taking so long, it would have bin better.
Telling me that he overlooked that i'm from the netherlands, is not a valid reason when i made it perfectly clear 3 times perhaps.
Now i'm just waiting and waiting without any reasons given by him.

Cheers sm. :cryyy:
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But of course, if it's a hassle just getting to the point of paying the guy, it's going to be 10fold when it comes to the little issues that pop up here and there once you do get it.
What also smells funny is that we have not yet seen
a close up picture of the LPM's Thermopile Sensor's

The OP was on the Forum this morning...

Last Activity: Today 01:08 AM


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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What also smells funny is that we have not yet seen
a close up picture of the LPM's Thermopile Sensor's

The OP was on the Forum this morning...

Last Activity: Today 01:08 AM

Maybe that's why he wanted to sell it as a pack, and not separated, so that it feels like a good deal, even when there's things wrong with it. Who knows....
Cheers sm.
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Well the deal is off...

He didn't know that l'm from the Netherlands :tired:, so he said i have to ''probably'' wait untill saturday for shipping etc... etc..3 pm's in a row.

I just pm'd him back that it's best that he sells it to someone in the US, sinds he never shipped outside the US before, and things are just being stalled.

I was asking for the possibility of a time extension of 24 hours. I was trying to be honest with you. I was not treating it like a problem. I thought since I was being honest with you would not mind the extra wait, I also asked the cilegray and he did not mind...

I would like to keep the sale going. If sending it on a day later is an issue then I will send it on friday if your still interested... but if your not, I understand and I apologies.

But just saying if you buy from wicked your going to get 750mW+ not my laser. There's a big difference in quality as I had to go through multiple RMAs(and if your thinking on doing the same thing its going to cost you a lot to keep shipping it back).
Jerry and everyone I will provide a picture of whatever you guys want. I was not asked for one and I recently did a video showing that it works. You'll have to excuse me. I have school, a job, it was my girlfriends birthday yesterday(ill show proof if you guys think im just stalling) and to go off that point. She hates it when I use my computer/phone for over 5 minutes at a time.

I apologies that I have kept you guys waiting, but I just don't do the quick responses sometimes. But I have kept you guys up to notice within 24hours. If not I apologies.

Well I have to get ready for my physics lab and then lecture. I will get back to you guys in 4 hours. Lab is 3 hours long and I have to take a shower and eat and then drive and find parking. Just letting you guys know :) but I will only be available for one hour after that since I have lecture in 5 hoirs
I was asking for the possibility of a time extension of 24 hours. I was trying to be honest with you. I was not treating it like a problem. I thought since I was being honest with you would not mind the extra wait, I also asked the cilegray and he did not mind...

I would like to keep the sale going. If sending it on a day later is an issue then I will send it on friday if your still interested... but if your not, I understand and I apologies.

But just saying if you buy from wicked your going to get 750mW+ not my laser. There's a big difference in quality as I had to go through multiple RMAs(and if your thinking on doing the same thing its going to cost you a lot to keep shipping it back).

Hello, justdopey..

check pm.

Cheers, sm
Jerry and everyone I will provide a picture of whatever you guys want. I was not asked for one and I recently did a video showing that it works.

I will get back to you guys in 4 hours.

You will need to read Post #70 from 2 days ago to get
up to speed...


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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You will need to read Post #70 from 2 days ago to get
up to speed...


I was hoping that would not happen :P

Well the LASER IS NOW SOLD by Dennis, Thank you! :)

As for the LPM, I'm waiting for a quote because Cilegray offered to pay the shipping cost, thats why i do not want to accept payment yet.

You didn't read Post #70 where I asked to see a recent clear
closeup pic of your LPM's sensor since you told the members that
I OKed it...

You still have not sent me a PM of where I said that because
I can't remember when that was...


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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