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Selling my Krypton and LPM

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I guess my thinking is that one member got his stuff. That makes me think the other one was a shipping problem rather than intentionally stiffing cilegray.

I do think that him being on here and not responding is bad, but what do you say if you shipped something that didn't arrive. I personally would go the extra mile to make it right but some of our members are young kids who don't know any better yet.

Granted this could be an opportunity to learn, but most of the permabanned members seem to come back anyway. I know it has been openly discussed that Bloomie was once permabanned and others who I won't mention who seemed to slip back in and have even run some poorly executed sales since their return.

But it doesn't matter to me, ban the jack wagon into oblivion for all I care! I just thought that one of the packages arriving was an indication of a poor sale rather than an intentional effort to scam anyone.


I guess I should add to this...

When this guy told me he was going to sell it to me, then retracted his 'sale' because someone had offered a bigger amount for the full package (which is what turned this thread into garbage in the first place), I gave the guy some flak in PM...

After all the dust settled, he finally agreed to sell to me at our original 'agreed' price... He could have held a grudge and just decided to waste my time with this.

Just giving possible explanations here. I don't think he should be banned tho, I mean all it did was jeopardize 100$ of my paypal balance for a few weeks. Once I escalated, he didn't try to delay the process further by shipping an empty box to me with tracking... at least. I got my money back... I don't really care anymore, just wanted to let others know, in case he wants to sell again.
I think it is just the type of person we don't need around here. We do not want to be seen as a forum that accepts this type of selling behavior whether he be a scammer, it was simply a bad transaction, or he sold it to somebody else. It's not just that he made a bad transaction, it's that people see that and it looks bad upon LPF if we let them hang around afterwards.

It's like well, I wouldn't do business with you but you can hang around though it's not that big of a deal.

IMO tho of course, if the LPM shows up I'll take back every remark :beer:
Point proven. Whether he shipped it or not he is a immature individual who instead of dealing with it ignored the buyer. Then shows up cursing the buyer for filing a pay pal dispute within his time frame and wanting his money since he didn't have the product.

Not the type we want around here.
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I apologies for not being on. I was busy with my finals and my final paper. The reason why i go one, is because i wanted to see if there has been any new posts in my thread but i never see any on my phone, so i felt no reason to post on the thread, and I did have a line of communication with Simmon on paypal, but i realized that there was nothing else i could do to show the current status of the package, so i decided to go blank since he was going to get his money either way.
Point proven. Whether he shipped it or not he is a immature individual who instead of dealing with it ignored the buyer. Then shows up cursing the buyer for filing a pay pal dispute within his time frame and wanting his money since he didn't have the product.

Not the type we want around here.

I am cursing at the buyer for blaming me for this experience, I showed what i could. I provided my sales receipt, my customs form being processed, and I contacted the US post office and found that the package was processed here and was sent to canada to its destination.

With all the information above for me, has led me to believe that he received my package and decided to rip me off. But, that is what i believe, it might not be true, but I'm sorry for providing a poor experience to someone who i think ripped me off.
I am blaming you? I just said as far as I'm concerned it's not a problem because I got my money back. If you think I'm the kind of person to want to steal an LPM from you after dealing sucessfully with dozens of members on these forums, we have a problem.

Jake is right on, you are immature.

Edit : If I do receive it eventually, you're not getting your money... you're going to get your LPM shipped right back to you.
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Thanks for finally responding justdopey.

Maybe we at LPF should have a new rule. All sales of $100 or more need to have tracking. The cost to be split 50/50. That way the seller can see the package was delivered, and the buyer could see if it was shipped. If a issue does arise the tracking number can be shared with the forum or even a mod.
It would sure help put a end to these disruptive, unhealthy threads.
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Thanks for finally responding justdopey.

Maybe we at LPF should have a new rule. All sales of $100 or more need to have tracking. The cost to be split 50/50. That way the seller can see the package was delivered, and the buyer could see if it was shipped. If a issue does arise the tracking number can be shared with the forum or even a mod.
It would sure help put a end to these disruptive, unhealthy threads.

You can't mandate shipping practices on "in reality" private
sales even if they were on the Forum..

It is only up to the 2 parties involved in a sales transaction
to mandate the shipping used.

It must be understood that the Seller is responsible for the
package until it is in the hands of the Buyer.

The only way for the seller to make sure it is delivered is
to put Tracking and Insurance on the package.

Failure to do that... it is a crap shoot at the risk of the Seller.


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Yeah I refuse to ship internationally anymore without tracking. It is a terrible idea and leaves you vulnerable.
I apologize for the response, I misread a post and i thought i read something to me being a jerk and i guess i was. My apologies and this situation will not happen again, and i hope to remain on the forum.
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