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Selling my Krypton and LPM

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I'll take the LPM, as agreed. 100$ shipped. PM me your paypal addy so I can send payment.

Once that's done, everyone's happy and we can all forget this ever hapenned

Will do, thank you for your patients and thank you for your purchase :)

However, i wont be able to send your LPM till this Friday.

By the way, i forgot to post a picture of this. The LPM still works fine, i think its a minor issue but ill show you what im talking about.


Hey there justdopey,

Can you send me your Paypal in PM.
Then i can reply you with my address were to ship it too.

Friday is fine with me.

Don't change your mind now :tinfoil:

Cheers, sm.
and thnx everyone!

Awesome thanks again for the purchase :)

The paint from the power button came off on this one, i hope its not a problem...


Love a happy ending :beer: Sorry for the neg rep i gave you i might have waited with that a little longer but you took it like a man! Im sure it will be gone in no time!

Good job sir! :beer:

Good luck with your items people!


EDIT: @ smeerworst 200$ donation man thats crazy +1 sirr :beer:

I know, i thought that was crazy! Thanks Dennis for making the forum last a lot longer!

Its alright. I deserved it, but i would prefer the rep removed.

And again i apologies to everyone. Any more questions regarding the material i will be happy to answer/post pictures of.

Ill wait for.jerry to chime in on this... Apart from the wiring, the sensor surface is perfectly fine, rigjt?
Yes, i asked Jerry regarding the 15mm X 15mm sensor head and he said it was fine.

Sounds good to me.
I didn't know you had closed the LPM deal with cilegray when I sent you my offer (the first post sounded like you were taking bids). I do agree the right thing to do would be to keep your word and sell it to him.
I didn't know you had closed the LPM deal with cilegray when I sent you my offer (the first post sounded like you were taking bids). I do agree the right thing to do would be to keep your word and sell it to him.

Sorry I have confused a lot of people, but yeah. I'll keep my word and thank you for understanding :)
Yes, i asked Jerry regarding the 15mm X 15mm sensor head and he said it was fine.

Sounds good to me.

I looked for some communication or pics about your Sensor this
morning and could not find any. Perhaps I trashed them...
The only PMs I found were from Feb 02 2012 and Nov 11 2012
which had to do with the software but not your Thermopile

Could you please PM me those communications/pics ???

That being said... Even if I said your sensor was fine last week
we have no idea what your sensor's coating looks like today.

It would be a good idea to post a clearly focused Close-Up pic
of your Sensors Surface as it looks today...:beer:


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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The paint from the power button came off on this one, i hope its not a problem...

Hi justdopey,

It's not a problem about the power button, it happens sooner or later, but can be fixed.

Now for justdopey.
Does anyone know some advice on what the best shipping method is for him to me ?
Should be trackable.

justdopey, i will let you know in pm when i payed you, so you can confirm.
And will +rep you in the end :)

Cheers, sm
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Its been interesting watching this soap opera play itself out.

It's good it apparently finally worked out.

However, and no offense meant to justdopey365, but I'd have a serious issue continuing with the purchase after all that. Its seemed pretty sketchy, and considering you are a new member with no rep yet, this looks exactly like the type of situation where someone gets ripped off.

Granted I am also a new member here too, but I'm not selling anything right now.

Hope I'm wrong, and good luck to everyone involved.....
That is called a Thread Jack....:whistle:


Beat me to jerry, and what would make smeerworst different then justdopey if he now drops his offer to go on with you?

Anyway @sresal heard you work for wl? How can you offer this 750mW+ unit for 500$?

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Lol totally lost track of this thread now! Were does it end :p

Didn't youre deal work out with justdopey afterall?

I didn't pay him yet couse paypal is slow in transfering my cash from my bank to my paypal account.
And justdopey isn't able to ship it untill friday so nothing has happend yet.

i'm awaiting pm from SRESAL now.
And all could be done by tonight..

p.s. offroad it's late! 2:52 midnight :drool:
Don't you sleep ?

Cheers, sm.
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My paypal is charged and ready to go Justsodopey, Just give me a sign that all is good to go.

Cheers, sm
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