A. How many hosts does one person get to claim?
B. Profit? Haha. I don't think there is much profit to be made. I'm doing this for fun.
a. Maybe there should be limit if there is a great number of them, but I'm betting most builders would be happy with <20 hosts for "signature" builds.
b. If you're only doing this for fun, than I fail to see the problem in taking a financial loss.
I don't get that impression AT ALL. My intention was to build this with a copper sink and paint it with high end automotive paint with sparkles and gloss. But I get the impression the host is off-limits period!
Did you explain all of that to him? Or did you just ask, Hey can I build a laser in that same host you used? Did you offer to also credit him with finding the original host?
No, that almost seems contradictory. Yes, there are lots of hosts. But there aren't (in my searching) lots of hosts that end up making good lasers.
My point being that even though it is hard to find a good host, there is a very large pool of potential hosts to choose from. A large enough pool where you can find something relatively unique to use to call your own.
And as I said before, ANY host I discover and build is fair game. I will post the link to the host in my for sale thread. If someone wants to make it better, cheaper, different, etc... Then let the market decide. I don't need protection if my laser is made well.
I don't see using the same host as copying. If I somehow copied his heat sink, driver, etc... Sure. But I'm putting much of the same effort into my design. I built my own, completely different copper one step heat sink on the stainless build. After he showed me his December build thread today I looked at it and he used a totally different aluminum design.
There was no copying, just happened to find the same host.
Well first off you pasted a link to said host in his thread, when you knew he didn't want you to, and only after you took it down. That's where I imagine some of his reticence to just say "yes go ahead" comes from.
Second to me it's not clear if you explained all the other changes you're making to the design, paint, heatsink, different adapter, different driver, different lens, ect,.
These details do make a difference.
Do you really have to ask anyone if you want to use a host for your own laser collection???
Of course not, but you do if you plan to sell it.
Proper legwork? Whoah nelly! What is the proper legwork? Is there a laser patent office that I can check to see which hosts are registered with which builders? Or do I just look through every for sale thread for the past two years?
What exactly should I have done? :thinking:
In your case, maybe just consider, that, hey, maybe that guy that didn't want me to paste a links in his thread, wouldn't appreciate me building FOR SALE lasers in the same hosts he uses.
How about just looking through the last 20 of their for sale threads?
No offense, but this makes me think you haven't purchased hosts. I highly doubt that a Chinese site is going to take back my hosts because someone else already makes lasers with that host? And shipping from China and back again?
I generally don't care how long it takes for my order to get to me, so shipping to me is usually free from china. Price for shipping back depends on on the size of the package.
Basically I wanted to point out that you don't have to EAT the cost of the hosts, but likely have the option of just eating the cost of return shipping. As for reason for sending back... don't tell me every single thing that you order from china comes to you working perfectly... where is this magical chinese place you order from?
No, I'm not. I bought a host and I built a laser in that host.
I did nothing based on their work. You are misunderstanding the situation here.
Uhm, ok, so you came up with a way to make a laser without a host, heatsink, driver, battery and lens. How? I would LOVE TO KNOW. Or how you came up with the safe current for running a diode? Did you led a bunch of diodes to figure that out, or did you build based on the threads, and tutorials on the forum? Face it, you are using the groundwork laid by these guys, and they deserve some respect for it.
Have you read the thread? I have two hosts that I bought. I wanted to sell them but found out someone else already claims those hosts to be their own. I have no desire to sell a bunch of lasers using the same host and design as that other person.
I read the OP and skimmed through the rest. If it's a question of TWO hosts, just make the lasers for your own collection. If you feel the desire to sell them down the road, do so locally, or in private over PMs.
You obviously know nothing. Walt Disney's head is cryogenically frozen and stored in the castle and he will be pissed if he is re-awakened and doesn't own Mickey!

Seriously, so Disney should give up Mickey and you generally dislike patent trolls, but anyone who builds a laser in a commercially available flashlight host OWNS the rights to that build? I fail to see the connection of your logic there.
Disney is a completely different scenario. Walt Disney is long dead, and his descendants have profited immensely from his works already.
Last I checked everyone here was alive and kicking :can: