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FrozenGate by Avery

Sell Red Laser Pointer 300-350mW. Handmade.

Hey superlazers....
nice looking laser and video....

What did you use to check the output of 300mW - 350mW
and why is there a 50mW variation in the output...

BTW... what type of Battery/Batteries does that Laser use...
Does the Laser use a Current Driver or Voltage Driver...
Is is a Linear or Boost Driver...

These questions do not violate your secrecy policy you
outlined above...

Sorry for all the questions... but this is a Laser Forum and you
are not dealing with an uninformed audience...

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Re: New price is 3 times cheaper! I sell Red Laser pointer 300-350mW. Handmade.

Operating voltage: 3.4-6V
Power Supply Type: 3 elements of the AAA, as conventional batteries, so battery type.
Since it operates with 3.4-6V, it looks like it uses a linear driver.
dobrejin, comrade! i am sorry my cyrillic is bad so i type in english language is that okay with you my friend okay i want to buy one of these high class lasers but i want john to test do you follow me so far sire good then tell me the response of john when he is done at the addres below tks comrade: iloveredlasers@zimbabwe.gov

ty sir hav good day
John, please do extensive tests, if these lasers claimed 300-350mW are up to spec this guy could have some good sales.

How are you achieving 300mW? I'm guessing you're using a glass lens, aren't you?

cool I will test as requested I will not take pictures

Haha, I know for sure you won't :p
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What is good on this forum is that members will not steal your ideas and sell them. So have peace.
What is good on this forum is that members will not steal your ideas and sell them. So have peace.


The thing is, you are posting to a public forum, that anyone in the world (well most anyone) can view.
The thing is, you are posting to a public forum, that anyone in the world (well most anyone) can view.

Sure, but that is with all builds. Anything can be reversed engineered. That's the risk everyone takes in selling their builds.
Sure, but that is with all builds. Anything can be reversed engineered. That's the risk everyone takes in selling their builds.

A good builder has enough confidence in their design and their construction that they can use copious amounts of red Loctite on every thread :)
