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FrozenGate by Avery

Sanwu 488nm Pocket beauty

I saw this in another thread. Just out of curiosity, which spectrometer do you have? I have an Ocean Optics USB2000+. I also have three B&W TEK spectrometers which I removed from some medical laser equipment. They don't seem to be as accurate or as precise as my Ocean Optics, though. I believe they are the same spectrometers used in the Science Surplus units, but those have the gratings changed out in them.

I use an older model Ocean Optics USB2000 (which I'm fortunate enough to still have the calibration data for) and it still performs quite admirably thankyouverymuch (it is only plugged into my computer during active use; I don't keep it connected continuously for obvious reasons like many people might)! :D

I never keep any of my spectrometers connected constantly. I don't know anyone who does. I have a separate laptop running Windows 7 for my Ocean Optics software. It is the only thing I do on that laptop. I have a copy of several different platforms that can run the B&W TEK ones including Science Surplus. Those I keep on my everyday laptop. But, I have to load the software and connect the spectrometer to use one of them.
