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FrozenGate by Avery

Sanwu 488nm Pocket beauty

I need to go over which diodes go into what kind of module and the various currents each need to be set to. It will make tomorrow a very busy day for me.
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I don't feel like making a new thread so I'm just throwing my results in here instead:

Paid April 02, shipped April 16, arrived April 30
Measured power: 63mW
input current draw: 200mA at 5V input; 280mA at 3.6V input; 1.2A at 1.6V. It is not in regulation below 1.6V
The label says 489nm, and I verified it indeed measured 489nm.
Sounds very good, Cyp. I have heard the the duty cycle on these is quite limited by its size and lack of much heat sinking. Is this true, in your experience? :thanks:
Awesome... Well, now I want some lasers from Sanwu... Will think about it. Thanks for sharing.
you're welcome ;) I want to collect every wavelength in his pocket series, I always seem to have more expenses everytime I turn around so itll take a long time for me lol!
I don't feel like making a new thread so I'm just throwing my results in here instead:

Paid April 02, shipped April 16, arrived April 30
Measured power: 63mW
input current draw: 200mA at 5V input; 280mA at 3.6V input; 1.2A at 1.6V. It is not in regulation below 1.6V
The label says 489nm, and I verified it indeed measured 489nm.

:thanks: for this info Cy. how did you get these results? I only ask because Id really like to do these tests with mine.
Are you asking how to measure power, voltage, current and wavelength? Power meter, voltmeter, ammeter, and spectrometer respectively. The power meter is a Gentec TPM310, the volt/ammeter are integrated into a lab power supply which is a Tenma 72-6908, and the spectrometer is a science-surplus device.
Are you asking how to measure power, voltage, current and wavelength? Power meter, voltmeter, ammeter, and spectrometer respectively. The power meter is a Gentec TPM310, the volt/ammeter are integrated into a lab power supply which is a Tenma 72-6908, and the spectrometer is a science-surplus device.

haha yeah sorry that sounded like a noob question. the way you worded it made it sound more complex, I guess in a way i already knew the answer i just wanted to make sure i don't do anything wrong when I test it. :whistle:
I really appreciate your input Cy :)
I thought I would also add to this. Got mine when the discount for these was active.
Mine had a 489nm sticker. The text on the diode looks like it reads: SB308B292

The 3E lens it came with was around 60mW & the G2 was about 70mW. Its much more blue than the other ones I have!
This is the fist time I have got to feel the pocket seires, and I think I want all of them now. damn it
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As long as you like it, that is all that matters. I would stick to the 30 second run time on these as they aren't heat sinked all that well. :D
Nice Sanwu Pocket, Richie!! That color looks great!!
I wish we coulda met up when I was in town... Perhaps next time buddy:)
Hey, Josh. Your package was picked up today and tracking has it headed for Seattle. I always track any packages I send out to make sure they get to their destination. :yh:
Can’t wait, Paul:). I think I’m gonna put that set-up into a chromed pen host I have. Nothing original but she’ll be purdy:).
Thank you, sir!!

Hey, Josh. Your package was picked up today and tracking has it headed for Seattle. I always track any packages I send out to make sure they get to their destination. :yh:
Nice Sanwu Pocket, Richie!! That color looks great!!
I wish we coulda met up when I was in town... Perhaps next time buddy:)
yeah that would have been pretty cool. well next time you come to Oklahoma youll know what street ill be on :p
wow that sounded bad :crackup:

I really like the pictures showing off the two wavelengths, stunning! Nice job Richie! :beer:

thanks a lot Alex :)

Can’t wait, Paul:). I think I’m gonna put that set-up into a chromed pen host I have. Nothing original but she’ll be purdy:).
Thank you, sir!!
you will definitely have to show it off :beer:
488nm is my new favourite wavelength; just yesterday I received a 488nm portable directly-injected diode laser from overseas; I knew from the time that I fired it up that it would spectro somewhere very close to 488nm, and when I did spectro it, I got a wavelength of 488.7nm!
Needless to say I'm extremely happy with it!!! :wave:
488nm is my new favourite wavelength; just yesterday I received a 488nm portable directly-injected diode laser from overseas; I knew from the time that I fired it up that it would spectro somewhere very close to 488nm, and when I did spectro it, I got a wavelength of 488.7nm!
Needless to say I'm extremely happy with it!!! :wave:

I saw this in another thread. Just out of curiosity, which spectrometer do you have? I have an Ocean Optics USB2000+. I also have three B&W TEK spectrometers which I removed from some medical laser equipment. They don't seem to be as accurate or as precise as my Ocean Optics, though. I believe they are the same spectrometers used in the Science Surplus units, but those have the gratings changed out in them.
