Don't use the sunglasses. They'll darken what you'll see, causing your pupils to dilate, providing an even larger area for the beam to enter. Those cheap Focalprice goggles will be fine until you get a better pair. Shining the beam on a matte surface (like a non-shiny wall) is probably okay for very short durations, but I would not look at the dot.
DJNY: You might want to consider buying the ML-7 instead of the ARG if you're planning on using it for green. The ARG has an extremely high OD rating, making it very hard to see the green. You might as well just use the Focalprice goggles for that kind of protection, as it is really hard to see the light at all. More importantly, however, many green lasers lack sufficient IR filtering, and the ARG (and other low-pass goggles) only protects against low-wavelength light, leaving the IR unfiltered. As mentioned above, your pupils will be more dilated behind the goggles, letting in even more IR. The ML-7 has a 2.5+ rating for green (protects up to about 1W), and OD4.5+ for IR wavelengths, protecting your eyes against the IR.
If you're getting goggles for 445nm, consider the YLW, since it has lower OD (6+) than the ARG (but still extremely protecting), and much higher VLT so you can see what you're doing. Yes, this might cost you two pairs of goggles since the ML-7 does not cover 445nm, but the ML-7 would really suit you much better as it is for general use, and good IR protection.