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FrozenGate by Avery

Safety Goggle Test - Bynovel Laser Glasses on Amazon

Can you do a review without referring back to the uvex goggles?

Seems your ego wont let that go.

I have the UVEX for 405-532 and T-Rex for red. They are what I have to compare to, it isn't ego. It is what I have here to compare to.

They (UVEX that I always talk about) are a really good alternative to expensive goggles for some people and this test just further confirmed that for me. They are leaps and bounds better than the bynovel "laser" goggles that I tested.

And LOL on the backwards battery. Really shows what kind of pro you pretend to be.

A. I don't claim to be a pro. Almost every post in which I make any statement regarding my qualifications you will see that I consider myself a noobophyte.

B. Even a pro can accidentally slip one 10440 backwards into a triple power pack made for three AAA batteries if they aren't paying close attention. Definitely possible for a noob like me! It is why I am a big fan of reverse polarity protection. It is my favorite way to kill lasers!

Of course, I would never claim to be as perfect as the exalted Tech_Junkie! :eg:
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The other is issue is that the lasersbee does not read well at the low mW range, or the microwatt range, which is what we need for OD calculations.

So now you guys are starting to see why really good eye protection is expensive, certified, and tested.

Would these protect you, for a half watt laser with no IR, probably. Would you trust them if you can do better, NO.

I may have a different view of the term ego than you, haha but I got some info out of the review, I did not check the other review yet. Anyway just trying to lighten the mood so to speak. I could always use reviews on cheap glasses though. Even if the testing is a bit biased I can look at results and make my own judgment.

Just to be clear, I have no bias. I stumbled on the UVEX (Honeywell) glasses and ordered them. I also carefully examined the spec sheet before I did this and decided that if they tested well, that they might make a good inexpensive laser protection goggle for 405-532.

I get nothing for the sale of these goggles and my only motive in reviewing them here was to share this information with fellow LPF members.

It has been beaten to death in the other thread, but my point is that a great many of the members here are young and strapped for cash... Not all of the members, but a lot.

Young males are known for taking chances. When you have goggles that cost $50-$300 then a lot of those members are going to gamble. Also, we like to show our lasers to our friends. How many members have several sets of OEM brand goggles for each wavelength sitting around for when their friends come over?

We have fairly well-respected members on this forum who admit to not owning glasses. Some very well respected members.

The UVEX goggles offer a very low cost, documented and tested option that fill this niche.

By all means, if you are serious about eye protection and can afford them, then get in on the OEM goggles group buy!

But if you are thinking, "I can't afford those - I'll just try to be careful" then the UVEX goggles are $9 each shipped and they are a good quality safety goggle that blocks all UV, 405 and 445 and most 532.

Here is the thread if you are interested...


I just ordered a set out of sheer curiousity. I want to test to see what wavelengths it DOES block, if any. Maybe a little bit of red?

I'll tell Tech Junkie (I mean the exalted Tech_Junkie) that I will test them and compare them to "the incomparable UVEX goggles" that personally discovered in much the same way as Columbus discovered America!

lol I never said it was biased, I said even if it is, meaning your results where still results and I could use the info how ever I want without reading the text part:D

thanks for the reviews, because am one of the guys who use less than 300$ glassed and could uses some for guests, so far all my friends won't admit it but love to play with mah lazzers.

I got some cheapies to test and you saw how that worked out for me after waiting 1 month to get them, I threw them in the garbage.

I also know this, I dont need it to hold up for more than a spit secound, I will never aim a laser at and eyeball mine or otherwise lol, I don't trust any glasses to stop it for long, just for a glancing blow is all I need. ppl love to compair lasers to guns, here you go, they say our ceramic plates for our body armor will stop a .50bmg, but I have no feeling of saftey of getting shot with a BFG no matter how safe my body armor is.:(:gun:
I wasn't suggesting that you were saying that I was biased. I was just making sure you understood that I didn't have ANY kind interest in this.
I wouldn't call Da Vinci, Tesla, Einstein, Edison, and Hawking, dunk and stupid. :tsk:
I wouldn't call Da Vinci, Tesla, Einstein, Edison, and Hawking, dunk and stupid. :tsk:

Da Vinci was tripping if not drunk, Tesla was crazy and probably drunk on vodka, Einstein had messed up looking hair and wet himself allot, sounds like a drunk to me, Edison did coke, Hawking was wrong.

and you missed the r in drunk :D

I am just messing around though I look up to every man on that list and can't say to much I live to get messed up too!
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that's how most discoveries are made, is it not :P

The best ones anyways!

I wouldn't call Da Vinci, Tesla, Einstein, Edison, and Hawking, dunk and stupid. :tsk:

Well, I don't want to sound presumptuous, but I am pretty sure if they were alive today they would all wear UVEX goggles when using a short wavelength laser and I'm pretty sure Hawking wears them on a regular basis.
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I'm looking forward to your test on the red protection goggles! I would rather spend my money on lasers than goggles! Just like you were sayin! I believe cheap goggles are far better than no goggles! :D
Well, I don't want to sound presumptuous, but I am pretty sure if they were alive today they would all wear UVEX goggles when using a short wavelength laser and I'm pretty sure Hawking wears them on a regular basis.

Funny guy. :p

I'm looking forward to your test on the red protection goggles! I would rather spend my money on lasers than goggles! Just like you were sayin! I believe cheap goggles are far better than no goggles! :D

If you can spend thousands on lasers, then $80 for decent goggles is just a drop in the bucket. When working with dangerous materials, you need protection. For some reason people dont accept high power lasers are extremely dangerous. I dont get it. You have a tiny point of light that can melt plastic, burn wood, light paper of fire, ect. The optic tissue in your eyes are so soft a mild scuff can damage them. To me certified goggles are a no brainer. Why chance losing your vision over $80? If goggles were $300 I'd understand, but they are under $100, so in my mind there is no excuse not to buy them.
Yeah thats logical thinking but what percentage on the forum actually have certified goggles. The most I have spent on a laser so far is $39.99. Thousands? Not I. I have been lusting over the 300mw red from Survival though! :D So that means i'll need a red protection pair...
Yeah thats logical thinking but what percentage on the forum actually have certified goggles.

It makes no difference IMO. I don't care if any of the forum decides not to buy certified goggles. That's like saying, "How many forum members choose to wear seat belts?" They are the ones that will have to live with their decision should they go blind, not me. :beer:
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