The Rubicon has multiple data stream protocols which can be adjusted in the menu

What the serial output looks like depends on the settings
Glad it's making contact.

I'll see if I can find a Mac on campus over the weekend and take a stab at Peregrine.
:crackup: What was I thinking at 6am

that's what lack of sleep can do to you.
Good to hear that the Rubicon is indeed
Streaming. Now just capture the data in the arduino
Terminal and cut and paste into numbers.
Graph problem done!
It's not as convient as peregrine with its .csv
export function but it does work.
Update: today...
Well I think I have isolated our issues to specifically the Java (libraries) in Java7.
I have tried the older peregrine 1.0 application and got the same error as OSX 10.9.2 when moving to a Machine running MacOSX 10.8.5 and Java7.
Using a Mac with the previous Java 6, I was able to connect to the LPM without any problems.
So the question is
how do we get Peregrine to run under a Java 7 environment?
Update: March 22/ 4:06pm
Finally got Processing to connect to my ARGMETER through processing!!
Our problem with Peregrine not connecting is the way in which the libraries are being called/ referred to . There was a significant language change from v1.x - v2.x and this has made it impossible to connect using the libraries with the older style language.
I just used the brand new RXTX example to see if I could obtain input from my LPM. I got a connection!!
It's alive... It's alive.... my ARGMETER is trying to tell me something!
I'm going to the example paste below.
* Many Serial Ports
* Read data from the multiple Serial Ports
import processing.serial.*;
Serial[] myPorts = new Serial[2]; // Create a list of objects from Serial class
int[] dataIn = new int[2]; // a list to hold data from the serial ports
void setup() {
size(400, 300);
// print a list of the serial ports:
// On my machine, the first and third ports in the list
// were the serial ports that my microcontrollers were
// attached to.
// Open whatever ports ares the ones you're using.
// get the ports' names:
String portOne = Serial.list()[0];
String portTwo = Serial.list()[2];
// open the ports:
myPorts[0] = new Serial(this, portOne, 9600);
myPorts[1] = new Serial(this, portTwo, 9600);
void draw() {
// clear the screen:
// use the latest byte from port 0 for the first circle
ellipse(width/3, height/2, 40, 40);
// use the latest byte from port 1 for the second circle
ellipse(2*width/3, height/2, 40, 40);
* When SerialEvent is generated, it'll also give you
* the port that generated it. Check that against a list
* of the ports you know you opened to find out where
* the data came from
void serialEvent(Serial thisPort) {
// variable to hold the number of the port:
int portNumber = -1;
// iterate over the list of ports opened, and match the
// one that generated this event:
for (int p = 0; p < myPorts.length; p++) {
if (thisPort == myPorts[p]) {
portNumber = p;
// read a byte from the port:
int inByte = thisPort.read();
// put it in the list that holds the latest data from each port:
dataIn[portNumber] = inByte;
// tell us who sent what:
println("Got " + inByte + " from serial port " + portNumber);
The following Wiring/Arduino code runs on both microcontrollers that
were used to send data to this sketch:
void setup()
// start serial port at 9600 bps:
void loop() {
// read analog input, divide by 4 to make the range 0-255:
int analogValue = analogRead(0)/4;
// pause for 10 milliseconds:
Question for trevor... What is the
serial debugging window? now that I have established RXTX communication between my meter and
processing, I tried searching the missing reference and the library is nowhere to be found. Am I missing something in your source documents?