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FrozenGate by Avery

RPL-equivalent lasers preorder CHEAP

Oct 24, 2006
The RPL-equivalent lasers preorder deal - AKA the screw DX sale (All DX equivalent units are priced the same as DX's prices on Jun 19 2008, and unlike DX I will thoroughly burn-in and test each and every laser and provide a level of support miles above DealExtreme)

The units I sell are called Prometheus (for green) and Oceanus (for blue). They are available with the standard 2.0W pump diodes like DX sells, or with a 2.5W n-light diode - all diodes are US-made. The 2.5W n-light diode units are the exact same as an RPL laser in every single way, except the name of course  ;). All units come with a power certificate affirming output, 3 month warranty, battery charger, quality 2600mAh li-ion rechargeable protected cell (extras +$13.50) and your choice of tailcap (add +$25 for both tailcaps).

Prometheus 300mW green package (2.0W diode) - $610
Prometheus 300mW green package (2.5W n light Diode) - $660
Prometheus 350mW green package (2.0W diode) - $810
Prometheus 350mW green package (2.5W diode) - $860

Oceanus 5mW blue package (comes with 1.5W n light pump) - $468
Oceanus 10mW blue package (2.0W diode) - $588
Oceanus 10mW blue package (2.5W diode) - $638
Oceanus 20mW blue package (2.0W diode) - $705
Oceanus 20mW blue package (2.5W diode) - $755

The preorder ends at the end on July 1st, and I will make this one as quick as possible so delivery should be made by the end of July 31 (so delivery is probably faster than DX too  ;)).

I stand to make next to no profit off this deal (though I'm doing my best to not take a loss!), its mostly because I'm pissed off about DX selling their untested bullcrud, so I will be charging for shipping - sorry. Priority shipping and handling within the US is $20, please PM for international prices. Also, you can add a pair of laser goggles to your order for $39.99.

If you're interested or have any questions, please e-mail at pseudonomen137@gmail.com, PM me here, call at +1 972 5356177, or get in touch over AIM at pseudonomen137. Thanks!

PS: From time to time I get questions about people who would be interested in a month or two, but can't afford quite yet. If you're one of those people, for a reasonable non-refundable deposit I can order the laser for you on the preorder and hold it until you are able to pay it in full.

PPS: LPF members get a 0.000000001% discount upon request (hey, I'm a generous guy  ;))

OH, and I already have a few of these options in stock already so PM me early! If I already have your product in stock, it can ship the next day.
Those are some amazing prices! I'd love to buy one of these, but unfortunately I haven't found a place that will hire me, any chance you'll be offering these around the holidays?
iewed said:
Those are some amazing prices! I'd love to buy one of these, but unfortunately I haven't found a place that will hire me, any chance you'll be offering these around the holidays?
Sorry man but everything is up in the air. These prices are only possible because I managed to work out very good terms, and I'm willing to sell these at nearly cost. I'd like to be able to offer such good deals forever, but I'm doubtful that's possible. Check out my PS on the post though, it may be relevant to you if you will be getting a job later.
Schweeet! Are these made by Viasho?
BTW, it would cost you nothing to offer LPF members like a 0.00001% discount, LOL!
scopeguy20 said:
Schweeet!  Are these made by Viasho?
BTW, it would cost you nothing to offer LPF members like a 0.00001% discount,  LOL!

They're made by the same company as the RPLs are, that's all I'm sayin ;).

Regardless of its usefulness, I will honor my 0.00001% LPF discount to the fullest. And it is useful! If you order $50,000+ worth of lasers, rounding gives you a free penny!
john_lawson said:

lollerskates, I saw that john.

They're not made by Optotronics, so there's no probs... it's just the way you market 'em.

VillageIdiot said:
[quote author=john_lawson link=1213928982/0#6 date=1213951272] :-X

They're not made by Optotronics, so there's no probs... it's just the way you market 'em. [/quote]

Uhm...you DO realize that Optotronics is a RESELLER....they don't MAKE lasers...never have ! (Except for maybe personal use ?)
I'm curious about the deposit as well. I'm super interested in getting a 300mW with the 2.5W diode, but it might take another month or two max to gather the funds...
