Re: Rifle Host (Arctic Lookalike) 445nm 800mW from Side by Side with Arct
Glad you like the pics and video guys
@jbtm - Aesthetic preferences are individual, obviously I'm only stating my opinion in this thread. IMHO considering the price, this laser is far superior to the arctic even stock.
@Trevor - Thanks for graphing that

The sharp drop off at the end was me turning the laser off - I didn't want to run it past three minutes.
Can you please post instructions on how do that with excel, 2007 or 2010?
@Ra1nfade - Saw in your review about the acrylic lens... that's a bummer, but lazeerer is gonna take care of that for me in the upgrade.. don't know if even he can get this thing shiny, but if anyone can, it would be him.
Also I've been in contact Max throughout via PMs. He assures me that the acrylic lens did stand up fine to testing... so with a reasonable duty cycle it might work.
Even so, he is already working on a second version of this laser, and will address the shortcomings, such as power, and lens, and possible add multiple modes

I will of course order one as soon as it's available