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FrozenGate by Avery

RGB hand-held laser


If it don't work out, I recon more of a wazzz than whizz:yabbem: ;)

Laserist, I machine small general mech parts.

...............just waiting waiting, waiting for the dichroics to arrive :cryyy:

Yay !

Dichroics arrived.:)
Time to cut them up into smaller pieces, install and align.
Photos later.

Why don't i have skills like this :confused:

This is giving me goosebumps... I like this allot!

Only to store a piece like this under a bright LED in a display window, when people step up to it, and you take it out and let them show what it is...

Something you can discuss hours over, blood sweat and tears went into this.

Can't wait to see the final piece! .... but i like the pieces alone ^^ +1

Cheers, Sm.
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how are you holding the dichros? is that with tape? im scared to start chopping mine.

are you using running water or lubricant and a low rpm?
how are you holding the dichros? is that with tape? im scared to start chopping mine.
are you using running water or lubricant and a low rpm?

Hi Flare,

They are in lens tissue, I held them in place against a stop. (Match stick !)
Cut dry at about 15% of max rpm -
Skimmed each pass with a bit of pressure on the blade - about 10 passes.

I've been silently watching this thread from the start but seeing it in action just blows me away! This is just amazing! Awesome skill you got there man. I'm impressed. Keep it up! :gj: :drool:

Oh, and whats with the jumper wire on the pcb?
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Oh, and whats with the jumper wire on the pcb?

I am going to guess, the silkscreen is labeled key next to the jumper so I think it's to temporarily override the keylock he is putting in so that he can test the drivers
I am going to guess, the silkscreen is labeled key next to the jumper so I think it's to temporarily override the keylock he is putting in so that he can test the drivers

Narr, nothing as sneaky as that. :angel:
It's just an automatic reset line needed for the programmer.
I'll remove it once I'm finished with the programming :beer:

Riiiiight then......onto that wide red beam :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:
Holy freaking buttholes, this whole thing is amazing.

I wish I had the kind of talent to pull something like this off (or had the money to buy it up!).
Holy freaking buttholes, this whole thing is amazing.
I wish I had the kind of talent to pull something like this off (or had the money to buy it up!).

Hi Wheedy,

That bit made me chuckle a bit :-)

I just take one small bit at a time - any project can only be as complex as the most complex individual part.
i.e' 10 wires have 20 ends, so I concentrate on 1 end at a time when drawing the schematic / pcb layout.
Same for the machining too. It's all made up of just lines or circles. i just think about 1 line at a time and slowly add it all together, step by step.

Realistically, there is not much on this project that hasn't been done before.
You just have to have some immagination a clear picture in your mind of what you want and take it one step at a time until you get there.

My next step is the optics for the red (should have some parts to try out next week).
I've drafted in my brother to help with the software (Mr Mega Programmer Geek ...to be refered in the future as "the MPG"). My simple brain will take me only so far with this part so I called in the reinforcements on this one.:yabbem:

Hope to update next week with progress on fixing the red divergence and maybe some better beamshots

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