TunedCavity (nee JLSE at LPF) has many YTube vids and show stages of making- RGB and same wavelength iirc 450nm 4 diode- .
If you start w/ their first YTube --2011 I think--you can see how far they have come-- IIRC it was a build of 300mW at 650nm.
some links--
I subbed them at FBook
on the RGB--
''Fully adjustable multi colour laser. Produces shades of peach, teal, pink, and most importantly white! The revised version includes a very fine control over the three primary colours (red green blue) when compared to the 1st version which used slide potentiometers to adjust in a single pass. The user now has the ability to fine tune the output colour via 3 rotary, 25 turn pot's. The internal laser head is temperature controlled in order to maintain your favorite colour by stabilizing all three laser's output wavelength. All packed into a simple one handed package, this laser only boasts 115mW (stable), but its not about power, its the beauty of the light : )''
see all vids to date here:
2020 and still the original, most powerful, colorful, and handheld lasers on the planet! Subscribe to keep up with my latest projects.
ANOTHER multi-beamer from TC
Their first YT vid 11 years ago and by todays standards no big deal--bUT 20 + vids since then-- wow!
14.9K subscribers
So-- we get to see how these 'store-bought' RGBs preform and how built,,,
anybody wanting to build multi diode lasers should also study the work of Joe & Lucy and how the ones bought made.
we had a thread about which members we would like to meet-- I can list >10
(They left LPF but are still members here)
BUT JLSE/TunedCavity would be number ONE-- hands down--afaik in the house they have:
Clean Room- machine shop- They are an awesome team--
I really tried hard but when I was passing thru Toronto in 2008.....but they were at the Hospital--Lucy was giving birth.
The multi diode builds include lots of pics showing quite a bit-- and AFAIK you could contact them and ask questions
AFTER searching here and asking our Res. experts first. they do sell of their builds sometimes but do not make a bunch to sell.
so TC is another source of great info..
sub them at YTube.