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FrozenGate by Avery

Review of the Tinker brand 561nm SFDPSS Yellow-Green Laser Pen

No worries, 1 small tip, sometimes when you plug in the D2 number it combines with the 2(the multiplier) When replacing D2 I recommend doing it as such, say D2 is 30cm,

2D2 ===>>> 2(30)

Aka just surround it with brackets,
I just tried it with test values; what do I press to determine wavelength and where do I read that value?

You enter the values, then you press the enter key on your keyboard, it calculates and the result is displayed here:

I tried this, and no field labelled, "Decimal approximation" is produced (yes, I even tried CTRL-F and searched for the string, "Decimal").

I'm forced to use a Chromebook (a Linux box).
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I tried this, and no field labelled, "Decimal approximation" is produced (yes, I even tried CTRL-F and searched for the string, "Decimal").

I'm forced to use a Chromebook (a Linux box).
I see, I have made a small tutorial in the form of a youtube video for you, I hope this helps out!
Very true, the one I've got spectros out to 559nm. Not very far off and visually indistinguishable from a 561nm but definitely no good as a calibration reference.
I've seen some that lase at 554nm and some that lase up to 563nm, also these laser's wavelengths can change due to temperature
I MAY do this tomorrow; the meter stick arrived today but the spring-loaded clips (necessary to hold the laser's power button down and secure the grating in the optical train) won't arrive until tomorrow.
I MAY do this tomorrow; the meter stick arrived today but the spring-loaded clips (necessary to hold the laser's power button down and secure the grating in the optical train) won't arrive until tomorrow.
Guess that may not occur after all. Neither my sister nor my brother-in-law will open them for me and I am unable to do it myself.
Here's hoping that tomorrow will go better.
Sure thing, will do! 😄
Tinker', when you open your store will you be able to list the actual power of your products? I know on feepay you have to list everything as 5mW but obviously some of yours are a bit hotter than that!
Tinker', when you open your store will you be able to list the actual power of your products? I know on feepay you have to list everything as 5mW but obviously some of yours are a bit hotter than that!
Yep, fleabay is quite obnoxious about that. I wish we could show the actual data on there - especially since we are trying to bring cool lasers to enthusiasts who care about the specifics.

If you're interested, we offer this 561nm pointer at 5mW and 30mW. Our 593.5nm yellow pointers are around 10mW, but we also recently got some upgraded modules for our larger host style that can reach 20-25mW.

Also of note are our 488s which reach 250mW, and our 425s which output an amazing 3.5W (this is probably my personal favorite color, it's gorgeous especially at that power level.)

If you want to know any more power levels or specs of our other lasers I would be happy to answer :)
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