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FrozenGate by Avery

Review of the Tinker brand 561nm SFDPSS Yellow-Green Laser Pen

The LED (& Laser) Museum

Active member
Jul 18, 2023
Tinker brand 561nm Yellow-Green SFDPSS Laser Pen, retail

Last updated: 11-11-23
Manufacturer: (Unknown)



This is a 561nm yellow-green SFDPSS (self-frequency doubled diode pumped solid state) laser pen that is designed to output between 30mW and 40mW. It is made primarily from brass, covered with what I believe is a black baked enamel finish. It also has a gold-colored tailcap, bezel, and pocket clip -- these accents look very nice (classy!) on this laser pen.

I am still in awe regarding the beam color!!!

The color could be best described as a yellowish shade of chartreuse green.

The second pic above is of the ornamental** brass "badge" that was furnished with the laser.
I wanted to rotate the original pic -- a better one -- 90º clockwise, but I do not have the necessary software (I am forced to use a Linux box; I do not own or have access to a Windows box which would have made this an easy proposition.)

Feed the laser pen a pair of AAA cells or a single 10440 Li:ION cell plus a dummy AAA cell first, and then you'll be ready to rock.

To use the laser pen, just aim it at something you wish to point out, and press & hold the button on the barrel. Release the button to turn the laser pen back off.

To change the batteries in this laser, unscrew the tailcap, and set it aside.

Tip the used AAA cells (or 10440 cell + dummy cell) out of the barrel and into your hand, and dispose of, recycle, or recharge them as you see fit. Please do not under any circumstances flush them down a toliet or throw them into a salmon-filled stream or those tree-huggers might hunt you down and then beat the living tweedle out of you. ;-)

Insert two new AAA cells (or one 10440 cell plus one dummy cell) into the barrel, flat-end (-) negative first. This is the opposite of how batteries are installed in most flashlights, so please pay attention to polarity here.

Screw the tailcap back on, and be done with it.

This is a laser pen, not a flashlight meant to be carried around, thrashed, trashed, and abused, so I won't try to drown it in the toliet tank, run over it with a 450lb Celebrity motorised wheelchair, stomp on it, send it to the Daystrom Institute for additional analyses, or perform other indecencies on it that a flashlight might have to have performed on it. So this section of the web page will be a bit more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight.

Yellow-green diode lasers are a lot different than those common red lasers you see all the time.

In a 640nm red portable laser, there's a red-emitting diode and a lens to collimate (focus) the beam.

In a 561nm yellow-green laser (pointer or larger size), there's a BIG infrared laser diode that generates laser light at 808nm, this is fired into a crystal containing the rare-earth element "neodymium". This crystal takes the 808nm infrared light and lases at 1122nm (yes, deeper in the infrared!). This 1122nm laser light comes out of the NdYV04 (neodymium yttrium vanadium oxide) crystal and is then shot into a second crystal (containing potassium, titanium, & phosphorus, usually called KTP) that doubles the frequency to 561nm - the bright yellow-green color you see. This light is then collimated (focused) by a lens and emerges out the laser's "business end". Just before the lens, there's a filter that removes any stray IR (infrared) radiation from the pump diode and the neodymium crystal. You don't want that stuff in your yellow-green beam, trust me. :)

This is why yellow SFDPSS lasers are so much more expensive than red diode lasers. Lots of itty bitty parts, and they all need to be very carefully aligned by hand. If the polarisation is "off", one or both crystals need to be turned.
With red diode lasers, you just slap in the diode and slap a lens in front of it.

This laser is not water-resistant, so please be extra careful when using it around sinks, tubs, toliets, fishtanks, pet water bowls, or other places where water or water-like liquids might be found. And you'll probably want to cover it up or otherwise get rid of it (such as by putting it in a pocket or bag) if you need to use it in rain or snow.
There are no current usage, optical power output measurements or spectrographic analyses because I no longer own or have access to a DMM, LPM, or spectrometer...As an indirect result of the stroke I fell prey to on 03-21-22, I no longer own or have access to a spectrometer or even a spectroscope.
I was not able to measure wavelength with a diffraction grating and a meter stick because there is insufficient space here, and an outdoor measurement is not possible because I'm in a wheelchair after falling prey to a crippling stroke on 03-21-22 and my physical ability to measure with a meter stick is extremely limited at best.)


Beam terminus photograph on a door at ~24".


Beam terminus photograph on a door at ~24" (star cap 1 used)

Beam terminus photograph on a door at ~24" (star cap 2 used).


Beam terminus photograph on a door at ~24" (star cap 3 used).

The camera images the light significantly greener than actuality; I do not have an image viewer that allows for color-correction (this is a Linux box, not a Windows one).

For the photographs, I was positioned approx. 6 feet from the door while my sister stood approx. 2 feet from the target area and took the actual photographs


Beam bouncing off of a standard 2nd-surface household mirror at ~5 feet.
The laser itself is on the right, well "under" the television.

Incense was burning nearby.

Test unit was purchased from tinkertavernco on Ebay on 07-28-23 and was received at 12:15pm PDT on 08-03-23.

This person appears to know his {vular slang term for feces; rhymes with "pit"} about lasers, so I believe you can buy with confidence.

** Ornamental because I do not see a designated use for the object.

UPDATE 11-11-23
Pricing info. was updated again.

Color is extremely radiant and unusual for a portable laser
Has a hefty, "not cheap" feel
Nice beam quality -- beam is exceptionally clean with no unwanted "nasties" (artifacts) in it
Uses batteries that are common and relatively inexpen$ive
Appears significantly brighter than expected

Not waterproof or submersible - but most pointers aren't. Will not figure into my rating
More delicate than directly-injected diode laser pointers/pointers. Again, will not figure into my rating

No CDRH warning label

Last edited:

Thank you so much for the review -- I'm really glad that you liked the laser! It's amazing that yellow wavelengths are able to be affordable these days.

By the way-- from what I understand and from what our module suppliers have told us, these are some kind of direct-doubling DPSS rather than SFG. The 593.5nm lasers that we sell are indeed SFG though (that is the wavelength made with 1064nm and 1342nm.)
Thank you so much for the review -- I'm really glad that you liked the laser! It's amazing that yellow wavelengths are able to be affordable these days.

By the way-- from what I understand and from what our module suppliers have told us, these are some kind of direct-doubling DPSS rather than SFG. The 593.5nm lasers that we sell are indeed SFG though (that is the wavelength made with 1064nm and 1342nm.)
You're more than welcome -- the pleasure was all mine. :cool:

Thank you for your info. re: method of lasing. I'll make corrections to my review at once.
Awesome review, thanks for the info on this laser. This is definitely gonna have to be the next laser into my collection, 561nm has become one of the few wavelengths available as a pen that I have yet to see. :LOL: Really like that case that it came with too, I'll probably get one from the same seller.
FYI I was able to replace the first pic to include the very snazzy case that this laser came in. :p
Thank you! We went through a lot of effort to get the cases made, but the result was absolutely worth it.

Awesome review, thanks for the info on this laser. This is definitely gonna have to be the next laser into my collection, 561nm has become one of the few wavelengths available as a pen that I have yet to see. :LOL: Really like that case that it came with too, I'll probably get one from the same seller.

Thank you for the praise for our cases, haha. I’m very proud of them 😄

If you’re interested in purchasing one of these, we have a new store site opening up in the next week or so! You’ll be able to get lower prices on there since we don’t have to deal with the insane eBay tax. So you might want to hold off for a few days!
Thank you! We went through a lot of effort to get the cases made, but the result was absolutely worth it.

Thank you for the praise for our cases, haha. I’m very proud of them 😄

If you’re interested in purchasing one of these, we have a new store site opening up in the next week or so! You’ll be able to get lower prices on there since we don’t have to deal with the insane eBay tax. So you might want to hold off for a few days!
Can you make 17 more posts? The rule on the forum is you cannot sell until 20 posts are made. You can make a welcome thread and tell us about yourself if you like. Let the community know a bit more about ya.
Thank you so much for the review -- I'm really glad that you liked the laser! It's amazing that yellow wavelengths are able to be affordable these days.

By the way-- from what I understand and from what our module suppliers have told us, these are some kind of direct-doubling DPSS rather than SFG. The 593.5nm lasers that we sell are indeed SFG though (that is the wavelength made with 1064nm and 1342nm.)
These are SFD (self frequency doubling) based lasers, they do use a Nd doped crystal and are pumped with an 808nm laser
I just purchased a meter stick (the metric version of a yardstick) so I'll be able to measure the wavelength when my diffraction grating gets here. :)
I have made something that will make your life a whole lot easier in regards to that task,
Its a ready made formula where u slap your measurements in and it spits out the WL in nanometers.

WL calculation where D1 is the distance between the outer 2 dots formed on the surface, D2 the distance from the grating to the surface and L the lines/mm for the grating, here you go:
Note that D1 and D2 should be in centimeters
Also, don't be using these as a calibration source - these vary in wavelength unlike what we're used to. This is what one of my pens measures:

Vs. a "real" 561.
I have made something that will make your life a whole lot easier in regards to that task,
Its a ready made formula where u slap your measurements in and it spits out the WL in nanometers.

WL calculation where D1 is the distance between the outer 2 dots formed on the surface, D2 the distance from the grating to the surface and L the lines/mm for the grating, here you go:
Note that D1 and D2 should be in centimeters
Hey THANKS lots and lots man!!!
I really appreciate it!!! (y) :cool:🍸
Also, don't be using these as a calibration source - these vary in wavelength unlike what we're used to.

Very true, the one I've got spectros out to 559nm. Not very far off and visually indistinguishable from a 561nm but definitely no good as a calibration reference.
Hey THANKS lots and lots man!!!
I really appreciate it!!! (y) :cool:🍸
No worries, 1 small tip, sometimes when you plug in the D2 number it combines with the 2(the multiplier) When replacing D2 I recommend doing it as such, say D2 is 30cm,

2D2 ===>>> 2(30)

Aka just surround it with brackets,
