It took 2 days to get all the way to CA which was fine. Is the 10 AMP higher than average? It's listed on the Orbitronic label/
1500? I'm not willing to believe that unless someone like you TESTS it. Still not as wild as the 50Watt Gatling Laser-for $600!
1500? I'm not willing to believe that unless someone like you TESTS it. Still not as wild as the 50Watt Gatling Laser-for $600!

Oh, I agree that if you need a weird battery size it is great to be able to get them. I have an Opus BT-C3100 intelligent charger that measures capacity and internal resistance very accurately without having to setup a test bed and discharge them through a load to know the capacity, or have to measure the sage on a different load to figure out the internal resistance. I have doubts about the 1500 mAh claim for the 18350 batteries. I would run them on my Opus to find out for sure.
I bought some 3500 mAh Panasonic 18650s that are protected that are able to supply 10 amps each. They have a very low internal resistance of ~30 mohms. I only paid ~$5.00 for them from Liion as they were being discontinued. Well worth the money I paid for them.