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FrozenGate by Avery

Review: Laserglow Rigel-6 593.5nm

Feb 4, 2010
Well, I was really bored today. Earlier I had my 650nm sitting around so I decided to quick review that one, and then I looked at my pile of handhelds and realized there was one that didn't get reviewed yet.


I bought this off eytyxhs in his FS thread two months ago for around $200, and this is one of the most stable of its kind that I've heard of. Of course I wanted it :na:

Apparently the paint was chipping off of his, so he sent it over to lazereer to have it polished.

Well, polishes don't last forever unfortunately :(


Good news is, I talked to lazereer about it by chance and he said he'd repolish it for me since he had already done it to this specific laser. Just goes to show how awesome Angelos is. This is what it looked like before it got ugly again.

It's also rock solid stable once its warm, it even gets hot, but it can easily be left on for a minute without any power decline.

Why? I would imagine that the 808nm diode starts out at a slightly lower wavelength, heats up and actually hits 808nm (the peak absorbtion, its much more efficient than even 807nm is) Nd:YVO4 is a little picky about temp, but not in the range this operates at. KTP then doubles it, and KTP likes to be run warm... so, I think its just luck of the draw that makes this one so good ;)

Turned it on, of course batteries were dead.


It runs on AAA's, so at least they're somewhat readily available. Or not, I just jacked the TV remote's. At least these work right :)


I decided to go outside since the dryer was running, decent amount of fog being spat out the wall for some shots.



As for color, I think this picture is about as accurate as ever comparing 589nm to 593.5nm (at least on my monitors and device screens)


Aaaand crap, batteries from the remote died. Well, good enough.


Oh, also, when it's too cold or the batteries are dead, you can see the 532nm emission! (It also does 671nm, but only when the yellow is lasing)


:thanks: for reading guys!
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Awesome color, i really hope i can get one some day. I hope there will eventually be a more stable process found for orange/yellow solid state-although i doubt it. No need for it, really. But still, an awesome piece to have in your collection! :)
Great review Z! I find this to be one of my favorite colors even though I still haven't seen it in real life :(
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Its three lines at the very most--

Its still primarily the 593.5nm DPSS, however with the presence of 1064nm and 1342nm, sometimes those get doubled too. Less common in 589's, though its pretty common in 593.5's to show 532nm. I'll see if I can get a shot of all three lasing tomorrow.
I was eyeing that FS thread, wish I would have pulled the trigger now :banghead:
...I feel bad for bumping this but also feel it's relevant - Z, did you manage to get the three lines lasing from that laser? I am looking into possibly getting a 593.5 and if it did this I think I'd be sold.
There's no way I can force all three lines at once, though it does happen... 671nm fades in and out as it pleases.

It seems to like to more often from cold starts, even then it's a wildcard whether it does lase or not.

Once I get a new diffraction grating I'll try to get a pic of all three at once.
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It's neat to look at, but this is not a review. It's a handfull of pictures with a small narrative. There is no trace of critical evaluation or testing of specifications.
Challenge accepted, cy.

So you want divergence numbers, a LPM graph (if I can even get one at this low power on my laserbee), duty cycle numbers, I can measure the length/diameter...

And as for the qualitative info, just a bit more to say about the performance?

I just won't be able to until the weekend as I don't have the laser up at college with me.


I did make a video of a full duty cycle on this a little while ago,
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Nice pics! Yeah, my CNI 593nm did a lot of 532 teasers when you immediately turn it on. I made a video of it actually.

Never saw 671nm out of mine but I did enjoy the 532. My other video of my 593 I will share simply because this review made me miss its great golden color. Hope you don't mind, if you do I will remove the embeds.

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The 593.5nm module I have will lase at 532nm only if held at a certain temperature , I did try and see if 671nm would show but never saw any :P ,

I looks like it lases at 532 and 593.5nm at the same time too sometimes .
Nice pics! Yeah, my CNI 593nm did a lot of 532 teasers when you immediately turn it on. I made a video of it actually.

Never saw 671nm out of mine but I did enjoy the 532. My other video of my 593 I will share simply because this review made me miss its great golden color. Hope you don't mind, if you do I will remove the embeds.

is that 1mW really that bright? I am toying with buying a yellow pointer, but the prices for anything upward of 5mW are more than I'd be willing to pay even if I could afford it, I think. Laserglow offers the Rigel in 0.6mW to 2mW version for $299, a total gamble as to whether you get the 0.6mW or the full 2mW, but the 2-5mW version is a bit more expensive still. Does your camera pick the colour up very well or was it genuinely that bright?
^ he was using fog to enhance the beam.

But whatever power of 593.5nm you chose, it will still look awsssummme :D
