A pic I just took after warm up.
A video of a cold startup after over a month of inactivity, up shortly.
I forgot that it was a soft seal, so its startup worried me for a minute...
But it's all good now
Took a dark shot, so that you can see the 640 line. Yes, that VERY faded circle between the 650 and the clump.
Same shot with some light. Some decent separation there.
Here I've got it going through a diffraction grating, then I took a good spread with some still decent output, passed it through a prism. Then took that spread, and passed it through a second prism. It was shining on my bed, at an angle. I took a blank strip of paper, and held it in the output. This is VERY faded, but you can see the 5 most prominent lines now, for the most part. My brain tricks me that the 640 is there, but good luck seeing it for yourself (and not hallucinating).
The things I do in the name of science
My ghetto as hell setup. Ha. It works though. Biggest hurdle is that the tube is about 3in off the ground.
That's the laser, then a pair of diffraction glasses sitting on the laser's PSU. Then a spread is entering a large prism on top of a 9V battery. That spread is leading to a second, smaller prism. This prism is on 2 quarters, on a large mirror, on top of 2 other PSU's stacked. This is what I had to do to get that last shot for you. Enjoy, hope you get a kick out of it :crackup: