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Red DIY DVD laser burner.

Well...I found a bunch of 16 volt 47Uf caps on an old SoundBlaster soundcard!

I just harvested a few...though I wish they were the smaller tantalum caps rather then the electrolytic cans.

I hope I can wedge one in the housing!

It should be connected parallel to the laser diode rather than in a series with the Negative lead correct>??

Now slightly off subject, but I also wanted to make a version based on a Mini Mag light.
wiring is going to be interesting as there is very little room in there for cap and resistor.

I'm using the same LD, would a 4.7 ohm resistor be a good place to start when using 2 AA lithiums as a power source, or should I start with 10 or more ohms (1/4 watt)


I can answer one of the questions...

The cap is in parallel with the LD.

As about the resistance... I'm sure V=I*R would help you... it's a simplistic application, but I have not personally tried it so I will need to keep my mouth shut ::)

I don't believe a 1/4 watt resister will be able to handle the current. Watts = Volts X Amps. New Lithium AA cells put out as much as 1.7 volts. This would be a total of 3.4 volts. A very rough guess using a 4.7 ohm resister, the diode will draw around 160ma's. This is .544 watts. I will try it a little later and report back. But you are looking at the need to use a 1 watt resistor.
The closest I could get is 3.2 volts because I don't have any lithium batteries left.

Using a 5 ohm resistor the diode only drew 110ma's. But using a .47 ohm resistor, it drew 160ma's. At 160ma's it still is a great burner. But keep in mind the voltage of the lithium batteries will settle quickly.

I have never had any luck getting the power out of the diode I want using only two AA batteries. If you were to use 2 rechargeable lithium batteries, or 2 CR123A batteries, you would get much better results as you can drive more current into the diode. Of course you would need to be very careful about limiting the current. But the voltage would be more than enough to use Daedal's circuit.
Ok...Last Question...

I harvested 3 "Open" diodes from 18X burners and one "Closed" out of a 16X burner.

I placed one of the open diodes into the module, and get very little light out of the laser at all...

I replaced it with the closed diode, and now I have Smoke from black rubber!!!!!

So, am I to acertain that open diodes will not work in these AixiZ modules??


There is no reason why an open diode will not work in an Aixiz module. Mine is mounted in a Meredith module, but it doesn't make any difference. I would suggest testing the diode before putting it in any module. With the open diodes one needs to be very careful about not touching anything within it. The wires are very tiny and a finger print smudge would be very difficult to clean off. Mine came out of a 20X DVD burner and I am driving it with 240ma's.
Yup...changed Diodes and it works fine...

Made an LED out of a LD....

Oh well.....

2 lasers complete...one made with the Mini Dorcy and one with a Mini Mag.

One spare open diode!
Funny thing is the Diode in the Dorcy (Closed) has a strange pattern whenfocused....

It has a sharply defined center spot and a "Line" that runs through it...

Maybe I scratched the Lens when I opened it up....

No Biggie...

Running the Dorcy flat out..no diodes or Cap...just no room for them....

RUnning the Mini-Mag just on 2 Alkalines with the Cap installed.

I'm going to be able to fit a Resistor in there...when I try Lithiums.

Not much mass to whick away heat..so I've only been testing them for 5-10 seconds.

THey will both smoke black rubber easily!

I also have a 20Mw Greenie coming soon...and it really is for astronomy!!!

THese two are just for experimenting.

Thanks for the Help!!!

Sooo if I build my dvd laser burner by following these instructions, using the built in circuitry of the Dorcy Mini, I won't need to assemble Daedal's driver to protect my diode? The reason I ask this is I'm not really interested in regulating the voltage or current of my diode if I can avoid it, aslong as I can get it safe enough that it's not harmful to my LD. Thanks
Oh yer and sorry but I forgot to ask, I noticed the schematics in Daedal's driver shows a 6v battery, but the Dorcy mini runs off a 3v battery. Does this mean Daedal's driver is not meant to run off the Dorcy mini? Thanks again
you dont need to do any thing to the dorcy you can use the driver that is already in there
Both of my LDs from the first group buy are now up and running in aixiz modules and I have a question.......I cannot seem to get a "well focused" dot out of either of them. The one that is going into my R/G/Y scanner is acceptable, ie no worse than the greenie it will work with, the other one will be built into the DX torch I have on order and I will be experimenting with burning (having said on another thread that that sort of thing is of no interest to me :) ) Is there any mod that others have done that I can try to get a smaller dot or is what I have got the best I am going to get?

Regards rog8811
Trist, The dorcy will power up your diode using the built in regulator. It should be good enough to run a LD for quite some time, and it uses 3V supply because it's driven differently from my circuit. I am working on a new circuit that will power off one battery like the Dorcy, but until then we'll need to supply a 6V input into the circuit.

Rog, Could you please elaborate? Perhaps open up a new thread and add a bunch of pictures in there of what you are getting. :)

The only thing I can guess without any more info is that the LD is not completely pushed into the AixiZ module, as that will keep the laser out of focus due to physical limitations of the module. If you have a table vice, I advise you to use that and push it in very firmly. Don't try to break it, but push it in enough to make it flush with the module. One mine I use a tool that I designed for this specific purpose and as such I have noticed that the didoes actually can go further in that flush with the module. Getting it that packed to the metal only helps the heat dissipation and helps the lens to have a full rnge of motion as you would require it to. :)

So the dorcy Jr regulator is good to go for the diodes in the current group buy?

I just want to make sure before i try to make it
