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Re: Tonyt

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Sep 22, 2012
Re: Tonyt

I hope you all realise that Tonyt is RayJay

Just a heads up for you guys because I just realised today that no one has noticed yet.

A little discussion I had with him earlier on... http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/price-drop-nixie-tubes-extras-pricec-drop-90502.html

He also goes by the usernames mrtonytj, Tj, Drtonyt, Ray James, Tony Ryan.

What also amazes me is how not long after denying he was any of those other names he goes by, posts by those other usernames begin to get deleted all over various forums all over the net.

To follow up on the thread linked above being, he emailed me to say that the item had been posted "because he says so" and that he wouldn't deposit the remaining funds owed as he is now of the opinion that it's not worth the value first agreed upon.

Don't really care, or looking to have it resolved anymore, not within the forums anyway.

Just thought I'd let everyone know.

Re: Tonyt

Interesting, isn't that the guy that had all his lasers stolen and in return had a load of stuff gifted to him. I'm not going to start making accusations or anything because it's a) none of my business and b) most of the drama happened before my being here, but it's an interesting observation for sure.
Re: Tonyt

Interesting, isn't that the guy that had all his lasers stolen and in return had a load of stuff gifted to him. I'm not going to start making accusations or anything because it's a) none of my business and b) most of the drama happened before my being here, but it's an interesting observation for sure.

Yep that's the one, just another scam btw.
All could be easily cleared up by having any evidence at all that the item on trade was posted anywhere, a screen shot of "deposited funds" from internet banking, a scan of a police report for the "break in", but none of those things will happen.

I have never been more sure of anything in my life actually.
Re: Tonyt

Paul, have you sent items/ money to him?

If you can "sum up" with the key points whats happened to save me skimming through pages and pages.

Iv'e checked the IP's and you appear to be correct, or its the worlds biggest coincidence.
Re: Tonyt

Haha I was thinking of sending a PM to Ped about him about a week ago. I noticed a few traits that were very very similar. I wont mention them in case he joins up under a different user name, but if you are interested Ped, let me know and Ill send you a PM.:beer:
Re: Tonyt

Paul, have you sent items/ money to him?

If you can "sum up" with the key points whats happened to save me skimming through pages and pages.

Iv'e checked the IP's and you appear to be correct, or its the worlds biggest coincidence.

The whole story is basically explained in the link I added, but feel free to ask me anything I might have missed or extra info.

Like I said earlier Ped, I have literally never been more sure about anything in my whole life, but I'm not here to convince anyone of anything.
I did feel obliged to warn others though.
Re: Tonyt

Haha I was thinking of sending a PM to Ped about him about a week ago. I noticed a few traits that were very very similar. I wont mention them in case he joins up under a different user name, but if you are interested Ped, let me know and Ill send you a PM.:beer:

Let's just say his style of writing is..... questionable? ;)

That and he's stupid enough to post the same items for sale or trade in multiple forums even using the exact same pics.
Re: Tonyt

Could you send me any details you have of this guy I can check them against the info in the scammers thread. I still pi$$ed TonyT ripped me and Laserbeak off...

In response to your above comment: No it was actually several other things...;) :beer:
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Re: Tonyt

Could you send me any details you have of this guy I can check them against the info in the scammers thread. I still pi$$ed TonyT ripped me and Laserbeak off...

In response to your above comment: No it was actually several other things...;) :beer:

Well I had never heard of or dealt with tonyt on this forum until about 5 mins before I made this thread.

I linked RayJay to Tony Ryan, rayjaynetworks@gmail, mrtonytj, Tj and Drtonyt all from obvious links on other trade sites, then when i saw him posting items for sale that had already previously been sold on other sites, well it was all too easy really.
Especially when i started seeing threads disappear instantly from the other names I mentioned while he's still trying to deny it...... Well it just became a bit sad.
Re: Tonyt

Right, its would be a lot easier, like I said before, if you could sum it up..some of those posts are essays.

Have you sent money / goods to him? does he owe you?.
Re: Tonyt

Right, its would be a lot easier, like I said before, if you could sum it up..some of those posts are essays.

Have you sent money / goods to him? does he owe you?.

Yes mate, a trade was agreed on plus $50 on his part.

As of now only $25 has been deposited into my account and the item which would usually take 2 days to reach me is into the ninth or tenth day now.
The tracking number he has provided for it clearly shows up as not being, or ever been in the hands of Australia post.

It's pathetic on so many levels.
Re: Tonyt

Hey I gave that dude money when his place got broken into felt bad that could happen.
Re: Tonyt

I noticed a few things where up but I wasn't completely sure of the correlation.

Tonyt scammed sixtee9 and I can't believe he has the audacity to come back here at all.

He most likely wasn't robbed either.
Re: Tonyt

The "explanation" you posted in the other thread seemed a bit odd...And he had proof he had what he was selling (which you said he didnt). Interested in what the outcome of this will be.
Re: Tonyt

The "explanation" you posted in the other thread seemed a bit odd...And he had proof he was selling (which you said he didnt). Interested in what the outcome of this will be.

Odd in what way mate?
I've got nothing to hide so ask or question anything that doesn't make sense to you.
I've learnt that if something doesn't make sense it is usually a lie.

I wasn't being specific about what he still has or doesn't have at any given time, was just making forum members aware that just because he hasn't sold something yet, doesn't mean that once he does you'll be the only person buying it.
I came to that conclusion when he offered me a variety of items as a trade, after realising it was a scam and investigating a bit further I noticed that at least half of the items he offered me had already been sold to others on various forums, no idea if they recieved those items or not.
Re: Tonyt

odd in that a few things you linked to were good reviews or nothing at all...Hence my neg rep (if you care that much about rep ill + you when I can)
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