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PRICE DROP **Nixie Tubes and extras!** PRICEC DROP

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May 2, 2014
PRICE DROP TO $200 and i'll pay half the postage!!

I need the cash like yesterday! The IN-18 tubes usually go for $50 each as is!

Hey Everyone,

Since I had a car accident recently I have had a bunch of stuff that I need to pay for yet have no money left to pay for them!!!

So, unfortunately I am selling my nixie tubes.
Look here for everything being sold.

I am looking for $200 for the lot. Everything fit's snugly into a shoebox so International postage shouldn't be more than $30.

Let me know if you're interested. All offers will be considered.
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Re: Nixie Tubes and extras!

No'one? Really?

Things included are..
4 x IN-18
2 x IN-14
4 x IN-19A
5 x IN-19B
9 x colon markers
1 x Arduino Nano V3.0
1 x Tiny RTC 12C Module
2 x Proto Boards
1 x Temperature sensor
And a TON of wires, diodes, etc

Everything is here to make a working clock.
Re: Nixie Tubes and extras!

Bump for this. Nixie tube clocks are awesome! I have the kit from Ramsey Electronics and I love it. These sorts of things won't be around forever.
Re: Nixie Tubes and extras!

Thanks, Yeah I really don't want to sell these but I need the money more unfortunately..
Put these on ebay Nixie tubes for that price should sell fast.

Still here.. I am considering keeping them... But if someone has the cash! I really need it!


Really Paul?? This is what you are resorting to?

Calling me a scammer and claiming I am someone else just because I live near them?

Here is a photo I just took..

Kind of looks like I own these? Yeah?

And for everyone else who may be reading this..

Paul has been an incredibly difficult person to deal with.
Out of our 3 successful previous deals he has been demanding and quite frankly an ass hole.

I am quite happy to post all correspondence between us here for the world to see.

This came about when we traded a taser torch(from him) for my recently acquired NV scope which I purchased off another member here! Plus $50.

Long story short when I went to the bank and post office I had left my atm card at home and only had about $40 on me.

So I paid $13.55 for the express post pack (which I have the number for/oh and a photo of the NV just before I packed it (see below) and I put half the $50 in his account and transferred the rest.

He hasn't received the package or the other $25 (so he says) so he resorted to threatening me and being his usual demanding self.


Also, Those links that you have put there.. Two of them indicate that successful trades/deals were done? And the third just says "watch out"???

Even if that was me.. That's a pretty bad example of a "scammer" paul?

As I said in my last email. I will go to the bank "again" and put in a third lot of $25 and will post the receipt here. As for the NV, I will take the receipt to the post office and ask where it is.
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Honestly, I hope I'm wrong, I'd have no problem admitting it and apologising.
Could easily be proven with a screen shot of the bank transfer which is what i would have provided if the situation was reversed.

Buying an express post envelope and taking a pic of it doesn't mean it's posted, it's all electronically scanned through each process of dispatch.
Australia post have no details of the item being posted and it has not arrived after 7 days of a standard 2 day trip.

You yourself said that you would be checking with Aus post 2 days ago, you still haven't told me your findings, maybe they just didn't feel like posting it to me because I'm an asshole.

I can easily prove the item hasn't been shipped, and that the bank transfer hasn't occurred.

I'm no detective but don't have to think too much about adding this one up.
Really Paul?? This is what you are resorting to?

Calling me a scammer and claiming I am someone else just because I live near them?

Here is a photo I just took..

Kind of looks like I own these? Yeah?

And for everyone else who may be reading this..

Paul has been an incredibly difficult person to deal with.
Out of our 3 successful previous deals he has been demanding and quite frankly an ass hole.

I am quite happy to post all correspondence between us here for the world to see.

This came about when we traded a taser torch(from him) for my recently acquired NV scope which I purchased off another member here! Plus $50.

Long story short when I went to the bank and post office I had left my atm card at home and only had about $40 on me.

So I paid $13.55 for the express post pack (which I have the number for/oh and a photo of the NV just before I packed it (see below) and I put half the $50 in his account and transferred the rest.

He hasn't received the package or the other $25 (so he says) so he resorted to threatening me and being his usual demanding self.


Also, Those links that you have put there.. Two of them indicate that successful trades/deals were done? And the third just says "watch out"???

Even if that was me.. That's a pretty bad example of a "scammer" paul?

As I said in my last email. I will go to the bank "again" and put in a third lot of $25 and will post the receipt here. As for the NV, I will take the receipt to the post office and ask where it is.

So now nearly three hours later, still no response on "What Australia post has to say".
I'll make things a bit easier for you to understand.....
Anyone can type that tracking number into the system on the website and it will tell you the same thing they will tell you, and what I'm telling you.
Now put the item in it and post it.

I'm so sorry that I'm too demanding for you when I expect items posted to you to be paid for when you say it will.
Or am I too demanding by expecting paid items actually be delivered to me?

Here is where it gets funny, and embarrassing for you.

Firstly, you claim to have forgotten your ATM card, the receipt shows it was paid by card.
The receipt has no tracking number, why?
Maybe because it's just a receipt that you bought a mailing satchel for $10.55 and withdrew $25.00
No idea why when you could have just paid for it with the $40 cash you "had".

Then by the photo, you went back home and took a pic of the item on top of a satchel, well done, I feel so stupid now that you've proven absolutely nothing other than someone has to be tying your shoe laces for you.

Let me clear up the definition of words for you....
I don't have to "claim" anything, type the tracking number into the empty box on the website and it's findings will eliminate any claims or doubts.

Once again, I don't have to claim that the remainder of the funds was not deposited into my account, you would just make me look foolish with a screen shot as proof off your internet banking, would sure make it easier than going and "paying for it a third time" ya think!

And no, there are not two different people I'm mistaking you to be.
Darwin's theory would make that a near impossibility.

Anxiously awaiting your reply, as I'm sure it will be as humbling as it is sad.

Trust me mate, send the tazer back, $225.00, or the NV gear we agreed on.
You will sleep much better at night.
What I'm struggling to understand is the MasterCard begins with 526013, which according to this BIN checker, belongs to Chase Bank in the USA? binlist.net - Free BIN/IIN Lookup Web Service

I've just checked both my cards and the tool is accurate - could easily be nothing but why would someone resident in Australia pay with a bank card issued by an American Bank (and presumably requiring a US address)?
What I'm struggling to understand is the MasterCard begins with 526013, which according to this BIN checker, belongs to Chase Bank in the USA? binlist.net - Free BIN/IIN Lookup Web Service

I've just checked both my cards and the tool is accurate - could easily be nothing but why would someone resident in Australia pay with a bank card issued by an American Bank (and presumably requiring a US address)?

I think the number is actually 528013, which is MasterCard from Bank of Western Australia. On the other hand, it does seem odd that the tracking number shows no activity. Hopefully there is a good explanation for that.

That bin check website is a nice tool. Bookmarked, thanks. :-)
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