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FrozenGate by Avery

Re: new Sharp 495nm diode(after testing it confirmed just 488nm)

Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

Well if it isn't the man himself. It is a bit of a shame that your build was so recent and cost so much... but without pioneers of these kinds of things, finding them might not even happen.

Quick question: does your cyan heart have a square off to one side of the dot, or is the dot really clean for you?

Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

I'm glad to read that. All the new diodes have that ugly square. Hopefully the $280 diode source is selling real ones.
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Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

What lens is being used on the new diodes? That's looks like a box reflection usually associated with the G2 lens. Anyone know?
Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

Happens with my acrylic, g2, and 3-element lenses (all to different extents)
Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

Mine only happens with glass lenses. I have an acrylic on it now and it looks great. No artifact what-so-ever.
Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

I seem to notice the box reflection more on the G2 in my experience but it is to do with the AR coating. The coating drops off fast it seems. Even 450 that is technically within the range gives this back reflection.
Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

Yes, a single element aspherical lens makes the artifact worse, but I'm not convinced it is all AR coating as I have used lenses that are AR coated through to 550nm and it makes no difference. I agree it seems to be a reflection from the emitter, but exactly why is still unclear. I still have no hint of it with an acrylic lens. I'm not sure if these lenses are even AR coated, and if so, for what wavelengths.
Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

Yup. I believe she's gone.

That tiny spec of light in the middle is all the output it does...
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Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

ZRaffleticket, this is quite sad ... Your was the one as I can see.
We need to get some drivers from DTR with a lower current to drive those carefully. 275mA is too much, even with a wish to get a shift in a wavelength.
Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

Yeah we really do need some more low current high voltage drivers. 3-cell linear drivers should work, but aren't appealing in the slightest. Hopefully the boost drivers on ebay are decent enough to work with. Paul has one coming to him to test out.

What driver did you end up putting in your 488?
Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

I have used Micro Flexdrive V5 with a current around 80mA (at least I've asked DTR to set it to most lower available, though the output power is far above the one in specs)
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Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

I'm really surprised it can supply the right voltage... that makes two people saying they pulled it off with these diodes.

Guess I should dig out my micro flex v5... very good to know.
Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

Well, the one from Osram (if I remember correctly) is requiring voltage around 6 volts, which is right near the maximum of this driver, and these are working on a voltage around 7 or more (am I right?).
After all, this is not a big loss I think. It was almost 488nm, and you already have this one. Glad that this wasn't metered at 495nm ... I would have been literally cry for this one getting dead.

PS Sorry I could write a nonsense because of cold, my brain is cooking itself.
Re: new Sharp 495nm diode

You are correct, these sharp diodes pull 7.5ish volts.

But being you and the other guy can run these with the flex drive, I'm gonna go the same route if the $280 plt5-488 paul has coming to test turns out to be real. Being able to set current scares me a lot less than just pushing 275mA down its throat. Don't want to kill another 488nm diode if I don't have to... but yeah I'm glad these are at least replaceable, it isn't a terribly huge loss. I'm not as freaked out as I was with the scare I had with the 480nm I had a few weeks ago.
