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FrozenGate by Avery

Ray Gun host WIP

Oct 3, 2012

Making a few ray guns, this is the first i'll work on.
(other needs more parts, like a barrel)

I found this pneumatic screwdriver at a thrift shop for $5 a few days ago.
It really caught my eye, it looked like it's make a great side arm. :)

It took me a while to get all the guts out since they were press fitted, for one piece I actually needed my dremmel, I think they were put together by heating the outside piece and cooling the inner... there was a small wall of tempered steel I had to chew through :\

Anyway, planning on using all this space to good use. A few led's fading from blue to green put into the exhaust ports, driven by a 555 circuit.
On off switch where the forward reverse was in the back.
...and a 50mw 532nm laserout the business end. :D

I may have to drill out the handle for batteries.
Only one problem though, I can't figure out how to get to the trigger >:(
I have no idea how they even put it in the darn thing let alone how to get it out. eh, have to drill holes anyway to access it...

let me know what you think, and yes, it will take a lot of electrical insulation :P

Hey! This is really cool! Can't wait to see how it turns out.
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This looks like it will be a bad-ass ray gun when it's done!!
Looks killer! I love when people make ray guns! keep us posted as to the status, esp with pictures!!!! I wish someone would make the COD Zombies raygun

Update: got some 555 timers in the mail today, should be able to build the rest of the circuit from salvaged resistors and a pot. :)
This looks awesome! Like that scum bag who posted earlier ;) I am going to have to hit up the pawn shops and good wills and see what they have. +rep for imagination!
Quick qestion, anyone know of a place you can get bicolor led's (blue green) for less than 20 cents each? ebay is kinda pricey right now :\
(maybe I should only get a few, use a green and a blue led when I have space)

Heh heh heh :), If it's imagination you want check this out. I was going to save it till I was a little further along, but since your all out looking for stuff... This is what gave me the idea in the first place.


Tubes just sitting there for a rough idea.

I picked this up for $10, it was an old 1/2 horse drill... it spoke to me <3
I'm kinda sad it still worked, that's a lot of drill to tear apart. It was completely rebuildable and everything. :\ but i know i'll never want to use it as a drill.

stock and everything, i'll replace the chuck with a small barrel of types. This'll be my heavy gunner. It actually needs less physical work since I can use the trigger and switches, however the barrel will most likely be obtanium... also I kinda want a laser in it that's a bit out of my (next to nothing) price range right now. It will have 2 modes, stun & kill of course! or blind and burn if you rather.

PS: drills look like they have a safety on the trigger, it's kinda the opposite holding it on X)
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I all but finished the circuitry prototype for the bells and whistles. (aka fading lights)
All I have to do is add a relay/trigger system to the on off. I'll need to use a transistor switch though, an actual relay uses way too much power...

I would only need a switch if the laser had a buck driver, (the led circuit needs higher voltage to charge the capacitors correctly) but i'm 99% the FastTeck 50mw greeny doesn't come with a buck driver, in fact more than that... yeah.

Kinda a hassle, not sure if it'd be worth the trouble. Besides I have salvageable parts to make the transistor switch from :) so many old circuit boards... that's where I got the parts for the circuit here! :D (minus the 555 timer)

Heck, the pot was a 10k that read out at 9k (0-9k ohm)... now it's a 0-26k ohm pot cause i'm magic... and I needed it to me more.

anyway here's a pic.
Just wondering, but how have your trips to the pawn/thrift shops go? Please tell me something amazing :) make my day!

Well I got the modules a few days back, made a pen build real quick and will be moving back to this now.

I'll see about making a 17.35mm wide heatsink outta some aluminum rod scraps laying around. Not for the heat, just to hold the thing in the front of the gaping hole in the front :)

Think I'll try and find a nut or something at the hardware store tomorrow that will fit the threads on the fasttech modules. If it's gonna be sticking otta the front of the gun I figure I better protect the lens.

I don't know what the thread on these are yet, but does anyone know of something made to thread onto these modules? focusability isn't too big of a deal, but it might be easier than making a lens protector/dust cover out of a nut and epoxy.

ALSO: I may go to the dollar store and try and find some toy gun for sound effects. PEW PEW PEW :)
I looked at some of the old gun threads and I think i'd like to make it switch between semi-auto (pulsed) and full auto... but that may be too much effort for the side arm, at least for the MkI ;)

Edit: changed the link, I used the 50mW version, same module more power >:D
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