This is interesting, i have one of those flat-top blue 18650 ultrafire 2400mAh (not protected) that fully charged is 4.2V but after some minutes of non-use it drops alone to ~3.3V.
Is this ok?, or is my battery damaged/wasted?, i use it for my 50mW greenie and i would say it performs well without any problem and last long time before it drops less than 3.1V. If i use a "healthy" protected battery with voltage between 3.7-4.2 on the same laser, i dont see any difference in power or anything, except that the warning led blinks like crazy
In the first week of use i waited till the warning led started to go dimmer so i could recharge the battery, multimeter reading was ~2.8V (text on battery says cut-off discharge is 2.75V) so i thought it was ok but my charger didnt work, indicator led was green as if it was full
Took it off and after some minutes the voltage was back at >3.0V and it was then when my charger finally started to well...recharge the battery, i didnt have my multimeter in the first day when battery was brand new so i dunno if it was like this since the begining or was it after i discharged that got like this...
As i said above, despite this, battery seems to be and perform "ok", same as with protected batteries but wanna know if it is indeed damaged or even if its a threat to my laser? :undecided: