Yes, cost per kW is that really matters on the Earth. In the Space, probably the efficiency and the radiation-resistance (endurance).
Do you have such rules who subsidize the businessmen who run solar powerplants ? Do you pay "green energy tax" as part of your monthly electricity bills ?
Here, in BG, they get subsidized, the green energy's bought at 10x the regular price and we're forced to pay for this. This was presented as demand coming from EU (that's said from Germany). It is then no wonder that many solar power plants are owned by members of the parliament.... How to love the "green" energy then ? Everywhere sbd. (the EU) imposes artificial business segments he(it) creates possibilities for great corruption.
It was forbidden to put solar cells on fertile land (arable land) but they put'em on such land because they managed to get documents that state that the land is not fertile....
The population needs food. E.t. our bodies want what the inefficient green batteries (the plants) produce. If we cover the arable land with solar cells, then there simply won't be enough food...
During the day there is light, it's warmer than the night, so the household's need of energy is reduced. But there's demand in the factories so it compensates the natural conditions.
@Seoul_lasers: Germanium has even lower 0.66 eV bandgap so in theory, it could absorb IR.
The Tellurium and Cadmium are also poisonous. And yes, we should not put fried GaAs semiconductors in our mouths

. Sony even put this in some datasheets LOL.
The Tellurium is rare element so if exploited, it will come to an end soon....