Great timing too. I'm using the testing set-up of one of my officemates, and tomorrow I'm putting together an 803T laser for this same officemate to use in his lab's photoluminescence test set up. So I'm building him a laser as a partial favor the same time I have to remind him he promised to do me a partial favor by letting me use his lab's meter.
Completely aside, but a great application of these lasers: I'm actually getting a lot of praise for making these things for the labs: 405nm, 100mW CW for hours, in a tiny package for less than $30, and it's a GREAT tool for what the labs around me are working on. For those that don't know this background, when making a gallium nitride device, LED or laser, the general technology now is an InGaAs "active region" (usually quantum well, but that doesn't matter for this discussion), surrounded by cladding layers and some other films to make the device function properly. So the active region ends up being a film sandwiched in the middle of everything else. One great to evaluate semiconductor materials is photoluminescence, hit the material with light and watch what color light gets fluoresced from the material, just like fluorescing things like everyone does for fun, but with a spectrometer to see the full resulting spectrum. The emitted spectrum can tell you a ton about defects and the structure of the material.
Well, with the gallium nitride devices we're making, aiming for the blue to green region of the spectrum, it is the general practice to use a 325 nm HeCd laser to fluoresce the samples. This is great for just a single film or the surface of a device. But, the 325nm light can't penetrate the cladding layers mentioned above, so basically there was no way to do photoluminescence of the middle of a diode structure, and no way to do it for the active region of the device (arguably the most important part of the whole thing). BUT, 405nm CAN penetrate, and infact goes straight through the whole thing. Thanks to these easily available, powerful, reliable 803Ts, for the first time, our labs are able to routinely and easily do photoluminescence on the entire diode structure, including all the way through the active region, at a fraction of the cost of any other solution. It's pretty awesome, and I'm getting mad brownie points for bringing these things along, as well as mad nerd points for being able to answer "oh yeah, I can just build the laser tonight, I've got my static-free soldering and work station set up all the time at home" when someone asks for one.
So yeah, I should be able to measure it soon, as long as there is no backlog of work in the lab. There's a big conference coming up soon for some of our people, but hopefully it won't be too bad.