I have a Leopard Gecko too, and watching them hunt is fascinating.
Here are some quick pics.
Here are some images I took today of a few of my other pets.

Look away if you have arachnophobia.
My smallest tarantula. A Honduran Curly Hair (Brachypelma Albopilosum).
She's around 4-4.5" atm. Another half an inch to an inch to go till fully grown.
Now to my largest. My Chaco Golden Knee (Grammostola Pulchripes).
This was my first tarantula. When I first got her she was around 4" but now is a nice 6-6.5" in size.
She could have as much as 2" still to go. I love the golden stripes on this one, especially when freshly moulted, and she is nice and docile.
Then my Brazilian Black (Grammostola Pulchra).
Currently she is at 5-5.5" and can grow anywhere in between 7-8" in size.
All tarantulas have their own personalities, and this one started out as a heavy hair flicker.
She has calmed down a lot, but occasionally goes on the defence.
The slight balding is not due to flicking hairs out at me, it's it flicking hairs out as protection around it's web.
Lastly my Chilean Rose (Grammostola Porteri) who was a bit camera shy today.
This one was wild caught, and sure is crazy when it's hungry. I've nearly been bit by this one, as a cricket got stuck its leg stuck on my finger.
It often pounces at the water dish as well whenever I pour more water in it.
This is my second largest at 5.5-6". It's nearly fully grown, but some variations of Chilean Rose have been know to get larger than expected.
Look at their little eyes. How can you not love them?
Anyway, I have also got a lovely cat and dog.
My cat is a has silver striped bengal in it and my dog is pure chihuahua.
And both of them together.
Here is my male Hognose snake. Got a male due to their smaller size.
I also have two chinchilla's.
And that is it.

I used to have Emperor Scorpions but they unfortunately died.