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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Post a picture of yourself!

OK, I just found the "post a picture" thread, so now I feel obligated to... Post a picture!

1) That's me with my 3 team leaders in Iraq a few years ago. I'm the right-middle... The one with the M16-A2 left over from the gulf war...

2) Flashlight: Check... M9: Check... Too bad this is all I can carry in this tunnel. I couldn't even fit while wearing my flak jacket. Good times!

3) Obligatory "My biggest gun" gun shot.

I like the tunnel picture. I get the same smile when I play with guns.
yeah they're oodles of fun - pity the law is so strict about them here - but I did have a pile of fun with some machine guns and pistols over in canada. We had paper targets depicting a certain extremists group's bearded leader. He was full of holes by the time I was done ;)
yeah they're oodles of fun - pity the law is so strict about them here - but I did have a pile of fun with some machine guns and pistols over in canada. We had paper targets depicting a certain extremists group's bearded leader. He was full of holes by the time I was done ;)

Gotta love using those as target practice:evil:
yeah they're oodles of fun - pity the law is so strict about them here - but I did have a pile of fun with some machine guns and pistols over in canada. We had paper targets depicting a certain extremists group's bearded leader. He was full of holes by the time I was done ;)


Nice. I have to say that my 2nd favorite weapon of all time is a machine gun (M240G, belt fed 7.62mm). It is second only to an AT-4 rocket... That'll put a smile on my face any day! :beer:
ok nothing that fancy at my shoot a thon - it was just machine rifles (AK-47's, that sort of stuff - I know little about guns really, except how to be safe with one), and my favourite pistol was the S&W 45 M&P special (my mate from Canada is a security guard so keeps the same weapon at home as he holsters at work). Very nice gun to shoot. Not heavy, practically zero recoil. Stupid loud tho :P

AT-4 Rocket? now ya talking - Lets blow some shit up ;)
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This was taken immediately after swearing in, I was shaking the lieutenant's hand, and I had no idea what to do, so I was in half attention (notice the posture, as well as my "free" hand.) Either way it turned out alright, and my dad started talking to him (once a vet gets into talking to someone still in, you'll be there a while.) It was an awesome day though, full of no sleep, awkward jokes about sitting in a cold room with 2 dozen half naked men, pissed off MEPS workers, and the late night pool at the hotel the day before. I also got my first coin (from my dad.) It's also the only picture of me where I don't look like a goofball haha

Buzz it off. You won't regret it. Me, before and after when I did it: (bear in mind, this was three years ago)


And for reference, a photo from a few weeks ago. I've cut my hair progressively shorter since I originally cut it off.


It's brilliant. Trust me.

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Buzz it off. You won't regret it. Me, before and after when I did it: (bear in mind, this was three years ago)

And for reference, a photo from a few weeks ago. I've cut my hair progressively shorter since I originally cut it off.

It's brilliant. Trust me.


All comin off June 7th anyway haha
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me1.jpg The quality explains why I don't post builds haha, need a good camera

me2.jpg notice how a shave with a 445nm laser takes about 10 years off your age. My laser is in a fixed mount btw lol
The quality explains why I don't post builds haha, need a good camera

notice how a shave with a 445nm laser takes about 10 years off your age. My laser is in a fixed mount btw lol

That's quite a 445nm Laser glare on your right eye and face....:whistle:

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