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I don't know why certain people :whistle: have nothing nice to say at all on this forum. I don't consider myself to be a redneck at all, even though I do have a life more than 12 inches away from my computer screen. I LOVE fishing, been doing it since I was a wee little lad, lol. I also enjoy lots of other outdoor activities like riding my bike, rollerblading, 4 wheeling, camping, snowboarding ect. I've been into cars and engines my entire life, my father was a mechanic and I learned a lot from him. I was a fork-lift mechanic for almost 5 years. But I also have a geek/tech side. I play video games, build, fix/repair computers, even set-up a few small home theaters for friends and family. I have a few nick names like Geeky Pete, PC Pete, Windows P.0, lol and Im fine with that. The main thing about me is I enjoy making stuff work, weather its installing a new clutch on a friends motorcycle or stopping over after work to help with a computer problem.
The pics are exactly what I thought to see on here for the most part, people who enjoy lasers and the technology that makes them possible. The nerds with shinny, slick back hair, and glasses are way to busy earning gobs of money and working making things like the internet and this forum even possible.

I just had to vent a little, thats all. Thanks for reading and enjoy your day.

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I don't know why certain people :whistle: have nothing nice to say at all on this forum. I don't consider myself to be a redneck at all, as I do have a life more than 12 inches away from my computer screen. I LOVE fishing, been doing it since I was a wee little lad, lol. I also enjoy lots of other outdoor activities like riding my bike, rollerblading, 4 wheeling, camping, snowboarding ect. I've been into cars and engines my entire life, my father was a mechanic and I learned a lot from him. I was a fork-lift mechanic for almost 5 years. But I also have a geek/tech side. I play video games, build, fix/repair computers, even set-up a few small home theaters for friends and family. I have a few nick names like Geeky Pete, PC Pete, Windows P.0, lol and Im fine with that. The main thing about me is I enjoy making stuff work, weather its installing a new clutch on a friends motorcycle or stopping over after work to help with a computer problem.
The pics are exactly what I thought to see on here for the most part, people who enjoy lasers and the technology that makes them possible. The nerds with shinny, slick back hair, and glasses are way to busy earning gobs of money and working making things like the internet and this forum even possible.

I just had to vent a little, thats all. Thanks for reading and enjoy your day.


Hey Pete....

sorry but I think you are on the wrong thread....

I think you should perhaps post it here.... :san:


or even this Welcome Section....:D


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ok, you guys all found out

this is my true identity


heres the real unedited picture. You guys are way to observant (and paranoid, (Jerry, Dave)) :p

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Nooooo...the hair, it's a mess.....LOL

It really isn't bad, you should see mine.
ok, you guys all found out

this is my true identity

heres the real unedited picture. You guys are way to observant (and paranoid, (Jerry, Dave)) :p

I have no idea why you have decided to lie to us, but you still are


The new one is a better job, but it is still a photoshop

lol, I didn't think anyone would notice that. I "rubber stamped" some of my hair out cause it was frizzy. Apperently I did a bad job cause you noticed it, lol.

lol, wasn't a bad hair day, there was just some stray hair strands that where lit up by my monitor...

Dude the second one isn't photoshoped, I swear...

Somewhere in this is at least one lie.

In addition, perhaps you could then explain how the background got "closer" (larger), but ""you"" remained the same distance (the same size).

The foreground (""YOU"") and the background (the computer desk) are two different layers.

You are either lying now or you were lying before or you have lied in each instance. Which one(s) is the lie?

It doesn't help much to "swear" you are telling the truth, when you have ALREADY lied.

Somewhere in this is at least one lie.

In addition, perhaps you could then explain how the background got "closer" (larger), but ""you"" remained the same distance (the same size).

The foreground (""YOU"") and the background (the computer desk) are two differnt layers.

You are either lying now or you were lying before or you have lied in each instance. Which one(s) is the lie?

It doesn't help much to "swear" you are telling the truth, when you have ALREADY lied.


I didn't know you where so sensitive. Like I said the second one is NOT photoshop'd. I don't know how that's so hard to understand. The background is different.

Its hard to take a picture of yourself if you cant see the viewfinder. So I took the picture of me smiling, and put it onto the background where you can see my whole computer. The other pic didn't have my whole computer in it. THATS WHY.
I didn't know you where so sensitive. Like I said the second one is NOT photoshop'd. I don't know how that's so hard to understand. The background is different.

Its hard to take a picture of yourself if you cant see the viewfinder. So I took the picture of me smiling, and put it onto the background where you can see my whole computer. The other pic didn't have my whole computer in it. THATS WHY.

So are you saying that the first two quotes above were lies then?

Are you now asking me to "believe" that the third one is the truth?

Im not going to argue of the internet. Im above that, and It's pointles

Here's another pic, just to confirm that I didnt steal my own identity.

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Im not going to argue of the internet. Im above that.

You didn't seem to have any problem arguing over the internet directly to me

(**EDIT** or editing your post, apparently)

SmurfTacular said:
I don't know why you are persisting on this issue. Its not a big deal at all. Stop making me look like an ass.

I know I got my rep on a bad start here. That doesn't mean you have to follow me around, quote me, and make me look stupid. Read my post for the details.

Lying to make yourself look good won't win you many friends, but it will influence people

