Your fishtailing with an empty bed yes? With my truck, its built like a tank, 5000lbs and is the japanese version of a jeep, just much better

. The short wheelbase and high center makes posi a really bad idea in these. In your case, you have a nice long wheel base, and your center is lower.
Now if you have the rear full of firewood, it would change the situation a little by making those tires stick, thus more prone to flipping. But thats a fairly long truck, and I dont think anyone in their right mind would be driving like Schumacher with a full load.
Is the posi factory? Aftermarket can be iffy, as the truck may not be a good match for posi. But there are many AM companies that make posi for ford rear ends, in that the same diff may be found in a Mustang (Example), but designed for a lower center and not for a truck.
If you have the space, put some ballast in the rear by way of secured sand bags, one over each tire. Just be very careful with ANY corners or bends on dry ashfalt
In the Toyota Landcruiser Assoc. we have a popular bumper sticker ' Friends Dont Let Friends Drive Jeeps ' :