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FrozenGate by Avery

Pop-Up Ads on LPF

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Mar 23, 2011
Just started getting a rather annoying pop-up add while surfing LPF. While I can't rule out something on the PC being the cause, since I'm not using my own system, it only shows up on LPF pageloads.

Here is the url and a screenshot.


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I have been getting a popup in the background that I dont notice until I close the browser. Only when searching through LPF threads...
Me too- just got one for Rx- on-line meds.
And I very often get pop-ups from the banner ads if I even look too closely- moving my cursor to the top or 'search' gets me ads all the time.. wth- ??-
I dont mind clicking them if it brings a little $$ to the forum but lately to seems to happen a lot more- I see more Warnlaser and CNI than I need.
Yeah I haven't got the pop ups yet because there being blocked but there some add toward the bottom with audio that you can't stop or mute.
I didn't noticed any pop-up. I am using FF and I don't have an ad blocker.
I had this problem too a while ago. I made a thread about it somewhere. Really annoying! Only had it on my smartphone.. It appeared for teo days with every link i tapped. And then suddenly dissapeared again. Really weird
It's gone for me. I assume it's one of the ads that's on a rotation. Thankfully I've not had it show up on my iPhone yet. That would be REALLY annoying.
there shouldn't be any popup ads, if you see these please report it to me so i can forward it to the ad provider. i don't have popups enabled on any of my ad networks (and would never put that setting on myself) so it must be an error on the ad network provider.
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