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Pokémon GO

Have you been playing Pokémon GO?

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Aug 16, 2007
I don't play the game myself, but on this:

It is a possibility that the game will get some tweaks for the winter season so it work more like any other standard phone app, but I have no idea of their plans. I assume they want to keep making money so who knows..

The obvious solution will be to cash in on the thing by that time.

If it becomes cold outdoors, it would make sense to put pokemon in places like malls. Niantic could make a fair amount of money on this as (mega)malls will pay a good amount of money to attract people especially after the holiday season. The january to easter time of year usually is a hard one for retail.

Also, winter in then northern hemisphere means summer in the southern, so the rage may shift a bit to south america or southern australia as far as outdoor play goes.

The hype might also just die out as fast as it came on though, i doubt it will still be popular in a year unless they keep developing the game rapidly.

Oct 26, 2007
I don't play it, but I won't knock it. It's probably pretty fun and augmented reality is a neat concept.

It is funny hearing people at work talking about their kids playing it, and them helping their kids play it and about how there are some Pokestops or whatever they're called in the office area around where I work.


Feb 22, 2008
I don't play the game myself, but on this:

The obvious solution will be to cash in on the thing by that time.

If it becomes cold outdoors, it would make sense to put pokemon in places like malls. Niantic could make a fair amount of money on this as (mega)malls will pay a good amount of money to attract people especially after the holiday season. The january to easter time of year usually is a hard one for retail.

Also, winter in then northern hemisphere means summer in the southern, so the rage may shift a bit to south america or southern australia as far as outdoor play goes.

The hype might also just die out as fast as it came on though, i doubt it will still be popular in a year unless they keep developing the game rapidly.

That's all well and good in places where you have big malls (Nearly typo'd balls there, hah!). Don't see how well it will work in Yellowknife - I'll need to ask a few friends what they plan on doing in winter. Maybe they'll just drive around instead of walking... or find a friend with a vehicle if they don't drive. :p

Not for me but I haven't come across anyone causing any "not paying attention" issues yet. Still less trouble than the downtown drunks - who just love to walk into oncoming traffic and then flip you off...

Actually, pretty sure someone commented about people playing Pokemon when I was sitting browsing Reddit on my phone ... just assuming I was another one of "those Pokemon players".
Mar 17, 2015
Ok I'll join the post. I hacked it myself. I enjoy hacking games and cheating. I just do. I know many people frown upon it, but I enjoy finding the easy route. I rooted my phone and installed an app called Xposed Installer and from there installed Xposed Pokemon which gives me a GPS Spoofing ability. I then can travel to pittsburg where I know are some Charmander pokemon. I have not put a whole lot of time into it really but more than I should have that is for sure.


Dec 8, 2012
I'm a level 25. This game was fun, but it's endlessly frustrating now. There are many issues with the game, a lot of which interfere with its playability. I am a 90's baby (93), and like most 90's babies, the idea of this game is something we've been wanting for years. Just wish it worked as advertised. It's gotten to the point where people are no longer outside playing it and socializing like they were for the first month, which is sad.

I will say though, that even if you don't like pokemon or video games, you really have no premise to hold disdain for the game. Until this hit the market, there was nothing like it that had the ability to bring people together like this game does. There have been people out socializing, meeting new people, working together, giving their business locally. I've met a bunch of people that I likely would not have otherwise, simply because those people were out of the house, and had a common interest to begin a relationship. The fact that PokeGo, a mobile video game, was able to accomplish that, while it may be short-lived, is a feat in itself.

It is not surprising to me that several members here have no interest in the game - it really is an age difference at its core. Not a bad thing, but it is undeniable. While there are a few outliers, for the majority of the target generation, it doesn't matter what your interests/hobbies were as a kid, or are now, you still loved pokemon. I'm a 23-year-old white collegiate male making over 6 figures per year that loves fancy tech (lasers), and yet when you're out downtown playing PokeGo, none of that matters. I don't say that with any boasting, but just to point out that it doesn't matter whether you're rich, broke, white, black, brown, purple, fat, skinny, ugly, transgender, nerd, jock, etc. - when you come together over PokemonGo, that's all that matters - your love for the game. In my community, people sense it. Everyone is friendly, not scared or nervous to strike up conversation. Except for team valor, those guys suck. Lol

Here's my lineup:

I don't play it as much anymore, but the idea of this game and what it can do when executed correctly is what's impressive to me.
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Feb 25, 2008
I'm 36 and this is the only Pokemon game I've played. The game first came out when I was 16. I probably wouldn't play it on a DS or something like that since it would be something else I'd have to buy. One of the reasons I like it is because it give me another things to do while enjoying the outdoors.

And you who don't like it can relax; I don't think it will stay popular ones the winter comes, at least in places where it gets cold. This might be just for the summer.

I'll probably enjoy it more in the winter.
Mar 17, 2015
That's kinda messed up.

I understand your position on the matter. Many people feel this way. I don't agree though. If there are flaws in the game or ways to exploit a game, that it the fault of the developer. Looking for loopholes or the easy way out is not a bad thing. It is a prime example of thinking outside of the box. Do not let a box define you or your abilities. I wrote my own bot for many games. I also modified existing bots for games like World of Warcraft. I sold gold for real world cash. I profited from it and would do it again in a heart beat.

In this senario I live in a rural town. I also have 2 kids; one 2 and a half and one 5 months old. I don't have the time to actually play normally. So my options are not play or enjoy it my way. I'm not being malicious toward other players at the gym. I don't have excessively high level Pokemon. I use an app that emulates walking, I have teleported once to another larger city. I just walk around that city. (Pittsburg)

Hacking and Exploiting are quite entertaining. The act of finding the exploit is most of the fun for me. Let me add that I do not hack or exploit for mal-intent.
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Jun 7, 2012
I don't want to argue further because really who cares, but I do have this to say.

I don't agree though. If there are flaws in the game or ways to exploit a game, that it the fault of the developer.

This is backwards thinking, exploiting is the fault of the exploiter.

In this senario I live in a rural town. I also have 2 kids; one 2 and a half and one 5 months old. I don't have the time to actually play normally.

I don't buy the "I have young kids so I don't have time to not cheat at video games". If you have to cheat to play because of your kids, you probably don't have room for another video game in your life.


Dec 8, 2012
Hacking and exploits, in my opinion, are not so much about one-upping other players, it's always been about how fun and interesting it is to see what you can do with a game, or what the game does with itself.

Going all the way back to the original Pokemon games on Game Boy, you could exploit glitches already in the game's code to accomplish some really odd things. Ever heard of Missingno? A "pokemon" you could catch by doing a certain sequence of actions, that had pretty profound effects on the game itself. The idea of doing one action, taking a specific amount of steps, then walking through a door that beats the game for you, all because the game's code crapped itself and doesn't know what happened.

There is a very fun & curious side to glitches, hacks, and exploits - no matter the game.

Halo was a game I loved doing this with. I was always very good at the game, but hacks and exploits made it so much more interesting. When you can make an automatic assault rifle shoot tank shells with a simple projectile-swap. It's very fun, and isn't always about cheating to beat everyone else.

Hopping on multiplayer and using auto-aim bots and the like, is different. Just as for Pokemon Go, bots that keep you playing, catch pokemon & pokestops for you, and allow you to take and hold whatever gym you want, is a little different.


Aug 16, 2007
To be honest the only challenge in this game i see would be -cheating-.

Running around waving my phone doesn't sound like much fun to me at all.

Perhaps grabbing a pokemon that's actually 5000 kilometers away using gps spoofing and a streetview image would be a fun challenge. I'm not actually sure how it uses the camera, but if it relies on that i wonder if streetview on a screen could fool it.

In games it's to each his own. I do not like solving sudoku's manually at all. I did enjoy spending an afternoon writing a script that can solve 99% of those found in magazines* and such in a couple of iterations without any guesswork. The elegance is not even brute forcing that you relatively easily could.

* it doesn't do any complex things like forcing pairs, triplets etc, but leaves that iteration to the user. You basically have to do only the non-trivial things to solve a sudoku which is actually entertaining if you get a difficult one.
Dec 10, 2013
Hacking and exploits, in my opinion, are not so much about one-upping other players, it's always been about how fun and interesting it is to see what you can do with a game, or what the game does with itself.

Going all the way back to the original Pokemon games on Game Boy, you could exploit glitches already in the game's code to accomplish some really odd things. Ever heard of Missingno? A "pokemon" you could catch by doing a certain sequence of actions, that had pretty profound effects on the game itself. The idea of doing one action, taking a specific amount of steps, then walking through a door that beats the game for you, all because the game's code crapped itself and doesn't know what happened.

There is a very fun & curious side to glitches, hacks, and exploits - no matter the game.

Halo was a game I loved doing this with. I was always very good at the game, but hacks and exploits made it so much more interesting. When you can make an automatic assault rifle shoot tank shells with a simple projectile-swap. It's very fun, and isn't always about cheating to beat everyone else.

Hopping on multiplayer and using auto-aim bots and the like, is different. Just as for Pokemon Go, bots that keep you playing, catch pokemon & pokestops for you, and allow you to take and hold whatever gym you want, is a little different.

The problem comes when this hacking and exploiting in multiplayer games puts others at a disadvantage. I don't know how Pokemon go works, but I know the aforementioned missingno exploit doesn't affect anyone else and is a fun glitch to do. I'm actually doing a rerun of Pokemon red and have every intention to exploit it to a) get a flying kanghaskhan and b) to make multiples of all the decent TMs.

The problem arises when people have this attitude in games like grand theft auto and that's the only time I have a problem with it, because it goes hand in hand with a selfish attitude of "I don't care if I'm ruining the game for anyone else".

Fun fact: the missingno glitch uses a memory allocation bug and stands for "missing number". That's why it's stylised as "missingno." The mock Pokemon fight loads data into memory that isn't cleared when it ends, which is why bizarre things happen when you surf outside cinnabar island, as it still has access to the data not cleared from the previous events.
Mar 17, 2015
Like I said I understand your view point. I am not playing in Gyms. I am not playing any multiplayer aspect of this game. I have no malicious intent. You are allowed your opinion and I am allowed mine. I appreciate your input.

I also exploited Halo. I didn't do anything to raise my score or in competitive multiplayer. I used exploits to get out of the map and explore areas that you were unable to get to otherwise. Technically Rocket Jumping and Sword Jumping were exploits.

The common argument is that it ruins it for others... not if you never know I did it. Not if it doesn't effect you in any way. Have there been things I have done in other games that could be arguable... yeah. In Wow I botted to sell gold. There is the argument that I caused inflation. I can accept that. I do feel my impact was minimal compared to the large number of Chinese Gold Sellers though. I'm not saying that makes it right, but it is a mild justification in my head (and likely only in my head). Either way I find it fun and entertaining. I accept the fact that at any moment I could get banned from the games. Any game that I give a crap about I don't exploit.

As far as not having time to "not cheat". That wasn't my words or situation. What I meant is I don't have time to drive to another town and walk all over the place to find pokestops and pokemon. I'm not going to walk around with my 2 year old and my 5 month old when I can grab my phone and play for 5-10 minutes at a time. I hope this better explains what I meant. I literally meant I don't have time to play this game and succeed the way it was intended to be played.

I don't exploit Diablo 3 or Destiny. I don't Exploit any games on Xbox One.
Jan 12, 2008
I think that using exploits within the game mechanics is fine. But hacking, or using special software outside the game is not.
Dec 10, 2013
I think that using exploits within the game mechanics is fine. But hacking, or using special software outside the game is not.

do you expand this as well to single player games?

I also don't see how, in a moral sense, there is any difference between exploiting an ingame mechanic and bringing in an outside source.

sometimes breaking out of the jail itself is as fun as what you can do while outside it. I love having jailbroken iDevices partly because of what you can do with one but also because having a friendly "hacked" iDevice (in a sort of Bioshock style "I hacked a machine" way) is very cool.

very off topic though.
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