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Pocket Laser show

Hemlock Mike said:
Andy --

I used the small Aixiz module for mine.  The module in there is a POS for anything over 5 mW.  Then a series pot to limit the current.  I kept it at 55 mW because there's only 3 aaa cells for power. :-?
Plug it in and let it rip !!


POS??? english??

yes im gona use an aixiz case and one of those drivers that fit in the case.

Thank you Mario -- I try not to be so blunt ;D
Aixiz has a small housing which fits nicely in the little space. I added a pot as a series limiter - no regulation.

Man I was just the other day looking at mine from ThinkGeek and wondering if I should drill out the 5mW red and put a hole in the side of the case so I can just shine whatever laser I have on hand into it to make it go. I think I'll do that now.
I unscrewed the laser and mounted a FS mirror so I could shoot the laser in from the rear. See my picture. Looks more in line to the eye.

i have got one of these from my finance for my birthday :) she knows what i like but im really resisting putting a 100mw dx module with my own driver (dx driver boards are crud) that i have lying around don't know what current to drive it at... i was thinking around 800ma to get 600mw 808 and 50-80mw green and adjust until i get tem00 or tem01 ( normally get tem05-tem06)

im giveing this too much thought... ima buy me a second to mod...
my next project is the bigger laser crab where i want to try put a RGB in it
i was thinking of contacting ap_digitallight for one of his excellent computerised control circuits for 3 motor spirographs (http://www.instructables.com/id/Laser-show-for-poor-man/)

and pretty much copying his design but adding a duty cycle of laser blanking XD that would look just like a beamshow in my mind but for the cheap

thats in the future though gotta move house (my first flat after the hostel im in atm)
yeah it all depends on money for me.

i know i could fit RGB in the bigger one
it always the money but unlike me you are not totally skint... just wish i had £3000 then i would get(build) me a rgb with software, get trained/lisenced and start a little lasershow bisuniss for partys and sheffelds nightclubs... asked around for young entrepenour grants but got nothing...
haha, i work hard and have a mini ebay business all to try fund lasers. the only reason i make and sell lasers is to fund buying more lasers.

ive spend 3k over a year not all at once.
