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FrozenGate by Avery

Please value my lasers!

Mar 13, 2012
Hi, i'm new to the site, trying to solve a few problems, you may have seen my other posts...

All i want to know is a rough valuation on my lasers...

I believe their the 'cheaper kind' that has the pot meter set to max from the factory (or so some1 here says)

Either way, here are the specs...

1st is an ultra violet light pen;
GaN Diode laser
Output power 100mw max, 405nm
IIIb class laser

2nd is a green laser;
Power output <250mw, 532nm
IIIb class laser

And 3rd is a infra red laser;
Peak power <2000mw or <2w, 808-980 nm
Class IV laser

Thanks for your time. :)

Not a clue.

Cant see any makes or brands on the pens...,

the green laser takes large ultrafire batterys, the other 2 take 2xAAA

The IR and Green laser are both key operated..

Also, side note, the IR pen has three setting on the back, green, red and yellow...

My mate is to still give me the key for it, he doesnt know what yellow is for or does though...

obviously green is on, and red is off... standby? but how would that make sense ? :S

edit, knowing my mate i would say some china website, at a guess..

I paid him 30 pounds for the three lasers 10 pounds each.
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I need to upload some photos on here for another post to, will take me a couple days, no i have not got my lasers, a camera and broadband to hand..

Will upload when i can.

Also, what would you say is the main differance between my unbranded chinese 250mw green laser to one that would cost you the best part of $500?

consistancy, overallpower, life...?

I need to upload some photos on here for another post to, will take me a couple days, no i have not got my lasers, a camera and broadband to hand..

Will upload when i can.

Also, what would you say is the main differance between my unbranded chinese 250mw green laser to one that would cost you the best part of $500?

consistancy, overallpower, life...?


It would be impossible for me to tell you what the difference is since I have neither to compare. Lasers, especially DPSS lasers like current green laser pointers, can vary significantly from unit to unit.

The lasers you have are probably identical to the ones sold by SKYlasers. The difference may be that the batch your lasers come from and the batch that SKY's lasers come from may be "screened" for quality differently. Usually the cheap Chinese resellers just buy a big batch of mass-produced lasers and sort them based on the manufacturer's rating.
A shop like SKY (I can't be certain because I've never dealt with them) might buy a batch of lasers just the same but test and sort them according to their actual performance then label and sell them accordingly.

At least that is how (I think) business is done at most of the more reputable laser retailers like Laserglow, Optotronics, Novalasers, Dragonlasers...

In my opinion, if you are happy with your product and are ok with the price you paid for them, there is no sense worrying about the "value" of the item.
After all, "value" and "price" are not necessarily synonymous.

If you plan to sell them later on, the best way to get an idea of what it is "worth" is to see what others are selling comparable items for. The Buy, Sell, Trade section would be a good place to start.
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The green probably worth anywhere from $50 to $175. The violet probably $20-$40. The IR probably $20 - $150. These are obviously very rough estimates, but that is because price varies considerably depending on build quality and actual output. If all lasers actually output the value they claim, then expect the top price of these ranges. Of course, these are just around what they might sell for here on these forums.
If the infrared is really 2W, then it's worth at least $75.
