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Please, Please Tell me Where I Can Buy a Really Cheap Burning Laser

What Would Be Your Response to - "I Want to Buy a Cheap Burning Laser"

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LPF Site Supporter
Dec 28, 2009
Okay so these type posts are fairly common, where most often they surface as an OPs very first post. So, what do you/would you post as a response? Select as many of the listed poll items as would apply to your response. And remember there are no right or wrong answers as This Is the Internet, that is, for all intents and practical polling purposes.

Footnote: I really don't know of anyone having made a "wanna burning laser' post ever going on to become a contributing member. A case in point, just look at this "David" guy's first post, meh - case closed.

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I've cast my vote:-

-Warm him About Laser Eye Hazards, and Buy Safety Goggles Before/When Buying a Laser
-Ask Questions That Would Yield Responses as to His Age and Maturity
-Tell Him he is obviously Not Old Enough by the Grammar He Used
-Give him Recommendations Where and Which Ones so He Can Buy What He Wants

^ in that order. :eg: (and obviously the last one only comes when I have confidently and satisfactorily resolved that they are indeed not a 13 year old... which I have to admit, is not often)
I bought a nice 445 myself from laserbtb which does happen to burn things quite well, and I gained adequate information to know that by simply reading. If people ask "where can I get a burning laser" and then want it ridiculously cheap, GUARANTEED they haven't done any reading. If I can suss that out without posting, any fucker can.

However, the last option
"Just Flame, Chastise, and or Ridicule Him, and Be Done With It "
is just a total and utter dick move, IMO. It achieves nothing but making you look like an utter bellend. There are far more tactful ways to show someone up for an idiot than just publicly flaming and chastising him, which takes all the tact and intelligence of a coconut.

There are several members on here who I confidently think lie about their age and some who I'm convinced even have AEs to rep them so they can buy "teh big p0werful burning laz0rs" - even those types have never seen direct ridicule from me (however tempting) - though I have had harsh words - which of course fall on deaf ears.
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I'm always nice, I tell them exactly how to get a burning laser real cheap. Buy a lighter, and a cheap ebay laser, then set it ablaze.

Popping balloons, cutting electrical tape, lighting your cigs, this burning laser does it all!

I voted for these two:

1) Suggest he Should Post in the Welcome Section and Read the Stickies
2) Warm him About Laser Eye Hazards, and Buy Safety Goggles Before/When Buying a Laser

I think everyone should be given a fair chance when joining this forum and not be straight up ridiculed. If that members understands how much safety is an essential part of this forum, then great! :) If that members just ignores all advice and keeps asking ridiculous questions then it's obvious they aren't made for this hobby, as they will most likely blind others/themselves.

Just my 2 cents.
On another note I'm glad no one has said they tell the person to use the search function.

I have noticed when searching the forum for information on BR diodes and old drivers (rckstr) that it's near impossible to find any information; except for those people telling people to go search for it.

It's always worth while to repeat information every once in a while. It makes searching for it easier so that there are fewer threads in the future.
Personally I rarely find anything useful when searching the forum. Any forum in fact. And no, I'm not talking about the vBulletin search that no one uses, ever, on any forum - I'm talking about "LPF search" or even google "site:http://laserpointerforums.com".

Usually what I'm searching for is too obscure or narrow for a search result to properly display so I either end up looking manually or going without and later stumbling upon the information by accident. In fact searching forums (whether manually or by engine) is usually one of the last things I'll ever do when searching for information.
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I also voted these two :
1) Suggest he Should Post in the Welcome Section and Read the Stickies
2) Warm him About Laser Eye Hazards, and Buy Safety Goggles Before/When Buying a Laser

In the past I would flame the person and send him to the club thread. I was one of these people looking to burn stuff with my ebay laser. However, quite by accident I found this wonderful site that gave me the basics on laser ownership before my 25.00 ebay laser arrived. It taught me to get the safety glasses and the good batteries and charger.Soon my ebay laser arrived and from the second I saw that green beam I was immediately hooked! Bonus it was real cool to light matches and cut tape as well as write my name on things! I will soon have 7 lasers in my collection and soon will have the nerve up to build my own because of this site. I guess I am the one in a hundred that wanted to buy cheap green burner and have now spent quite a lot of money and time at this hobby. I totally thank you all for putting up with my bullshit , but be warned there will be lots more coming up in the near future! Thanks for everything and for all your past and future help!
Did anyone else notice the first word in option 2...

2) Warm him About Laser Eye Hazards, and Buy Safety Goggles Before/When Buying a Laser
:eg: Is that supposed to be a play on words of option 7)

7) Just Flame, Chastise, and or Ridicule Him, and Be Done With It
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